Episode 25

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excuse mistakes

Jamari Taylor
Age : 22
Houston, Texas

"So you almost got suspended again?" I asked Ja'Seem.

He slouched down in the back seat and shrugged his shoulder.

"What the fuck Seem? You was doing good." I sighed.

"Can I go to granny house?" He asked lowly.

Lately Seem has been wanting to stay at either Alexis or my mama house. His grades dropped and his behavior then got worse.

"No you staying at home." I shrugged.

He smacked his lips and faced the window.

I still haven't heard from Reagan, so I don't even know if she's okay. I know Alexis be talking to her and I know she know where they at.

I pulled up to the house and Ja'Seem hopped out the car and slammed the door.


He huffed and stomped back over to the car.

"Close my motherfucking door the right way." I mugged.

He sighed dramatically and reopened the door to close it back more softly. "Happy?"

I snatched him up by his shirt. "Keep trying me imma beat yo ass."

"Do you understand me Ja'Seem?" I asked gripping his shirt tighter.

His eyes started watering. "Y-Yes sir."

"Put that game on my bed and don't ask me for shit." I stated putting me down.

"I WANT MY MAMA!" He yelled through his cries running in the house.

I sighed and scratched the back of my neck.

I really needed Reagan right now. I even had some people from the trap to try to track her phone but she got a whole new number.


"Why do I even have to go to this stupid dance, I don't even have a mom." Ja'Seem mumbled.

"Lex going with you, y'all gone have fun." I lied fixing his bow tie.

Two days ago, Lex told me that Reagan wanted to take Ja'Seem to the dance. It was supposed to be a surprise but Seem was making it difficult.

He was asking all these questions.

"She not my mama, she my TT." He frowned.

"Boy go put yo shoes on so we can leave." I chuckled.

I was so happy when I found out that Reagan wanted to see Ja'Seem this was my chance to finally see her. And I miss FatFat, she was spending the night with Alexis so I knew I couldn't blow this chance.

"I'm ready da." Ja'Seem mumbled.

"Aight." I nodded

He walked through the garage to get to the Rolls Royce.
I decided to let him pick the car so he can stunt on the li stupid ass kids that be picking on him.

After I set the alarm I locked the house and then tucked my gun in my pants. I got in the car and then drove off to the school.

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