Season Two ~ Episode Eleven

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excuse mistakes

"DOODA HURRY UP!" Ra'Seem yelled waving Roslyn over who was trying to push past the group of kids fighting.

Roslyn finally made it to the bus and the both of them got on and ran to the middle where the friends sat.

"You got homework dooda?" Ra'Seem asked looking over at his sister who was out of breath from running.

"No, I did it already." Roslyn replied trying to catch her breath.

"Imma get in trouble, I gotta have a teacher conference." Ra'Seem sighed putting his hair in a ponytail.

"What you did?" One of their friends asked standing up in his seat.

"Mane, cause when she tried to sit down I pulled the chair back and she tripped." Ra'Seem shrugged low key scared about the consequences he was about to face.

"Why you do that Seem?" Roslyn frowned looking at her twin brother.

"Mcht cause mane." Ra'Seem groaned not even having a reason. He honestly was just being a class clown and now he was going to get in trouble for it.

Meanwhile the bus driver was panicking because the brakes were loose on the bus. She glanced at the thirty kids who were on the bus laughing and shook her head.

"Everyone should stay in their seats, stay forward, and keep your legs and arms out of the aisles." The bus driver announced over the intercom.

The kids did as told continuing with their conversations without a care in the world.

The bus was currently going 65 miles per hour, and as the bus driver tried to stop the bus from entering ongoing traffic the brakes wouldn't let her.

"Seem hold my hand, she going to fast." Roslyn frowned scooting closer to Ra'Seem. Ra'Seem grabbed his sister's hand and put the other arm around her shoulder.

"I love you dooda." Ra'Seem stated. Something didn't feel right, he knew something was going on with the bus.

"I love you too S—." Before Roslyn could even finish her sentence the bus hit an eighteen wheeler, making the bus toss and turn for a total of four times.

The bus landed in a ditch upside down. The bus driver flew threw the front windshield landing on the side of the bus.

"D-Dooda?" Ra'Seem sniffled with tears coming down his face. He tried to hold on to Roslyn when the bus started turning but he felt their hands separate.

"DOODA!" Ra'Seem yelled trying to move.

All you could hear was small cries and screams from the kids on the bus.

Police, firefighters, and paramedics rushed to the horrible bus crash. Bystanders pulled over to take pictures and post to Facebook.

The paramedics had pronounced the bus driver dead on scene. They had gurneys set on the leveled ground prepped for the victims.

"If you can hear me I need you to say here. Please don't move stay as still as possible." The chief of fire stated standing by the bus.

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