Episode 48

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excuse mistakes

Houston, Texas

Jamari sped out of his mom's driveway entering the highway.

What Nyla said really hurt him, all he was trying to do was give Nyla a better life than she was receiving at her mother's house. He felt unappreciated and honestly he felt like he couldn't win for loose with her.

He tried to give Nyla the world but he didn't like the fact that she was growing up so fast and that she was being sneaky.

Jamari was really stressed out between trying to build his business up, Raelyn's absence seizures, and Ja'Seem's mother kept sending court papers to Alexis shop.

"FUCK!" Jamari yelled beating his steering wheel.

Jamari pressed on the gas pedal harder because all he wanted to do was cuddle with Reagan right now.

As Jamari entered the highway at 100mph, a drunk driver started swerving in and out of lanes from the opposite direction.

Jamari noticed and tried to avoid the driver so he tried to get in the furthest lane.

The drunk driver coming from the opposite direction was so drunk that he swifted over to the side Jamari was driving on and started spinning.

"Oh shit." Jamari mumbled trying to speed pass the drunk driver's car as it spun.

The drunk driver had already hit two cars causing them to collide and as soon as Jamari drove pass the drunk driver's spinning car the drunk car collided with Jamari's causing Jamari's car to toss and turn all over the highway along with another car.

The drunk driver car finally stopped when it hit a light pole immediately killing the driver.

Jamari's car tossed and turn for a total of five times when it finally stopped upside down.

Everyone knew Jamari didn't wear seatbelts so he was being tossed all over the car. Luckily he wasn't ejected from the car, however Jamari was now unconscious in the backseat pressed up against the back windshield.

Other cars had saw Jamari and the others cars crash and immediately pulled over to call for help and try to assist the victims.

In a coincidence that Alexis was so happened to be entering the highway coming from her shop when she saw everything unfold.

When she saw all of the cars finally stopped,
she tried to cruise by to get home and pass the traffic but she noticed a car that looked exactly like her brother's flipped over.

Once she noticed the tag of her brother's that say 'FUCKYOU' her heart dropped. She quickly pulled over and hopped out of her car running across the highway.

"BUBBA!" Alexis screamed seeing him in the state he was in.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Alexis screamed with tears streaming down her face.

She tried to open the back door of Jamari's car but it was jammed shut.

"HEY MAAM DO YOU NEED HELP?" A black girl asked.

"Y-Yea, m-my brother h-he's jamed in." Alexis studdered trying to pry the door open.

Alexis gave up and ran to her car to get the baseball bat that she kept in her trunk.

The girl also came back from her car with a hammer that she kept in her car.

Firefighters and paramedics had arrived at the scene and grabbed their jaws and saws.

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