Season Two ~ Episode Twelve

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excuse mistakes

"DA WHERE SHE AT?!" Ja'Seem shouted bursting through the entrance of the emergency room. He cried the whole way over to the hospital.

"She still back there." Jamari sighed rubbing Reagan's back. She hasn't said a word every since she got there, just staring either at the floor or glancing at Ra'Seem.

Ja'Seem groaned and scratched the back of his neck. "So, so like what happened? I'm not understanding."

"The bus crashed, Dooda got hurt. What you not understanding?" Ra'Seem mugged.

"Just what I said, how come Dooda was the only one who got hurt?" Ja'Seem mugged back.

"This ain't even the time to start yall dumb ass arguments. Shut the fuck up and wait until the doctor tell us she ok." Jamari snapped mugging both of his sons. He didn't feel like hearing arguing or anything unless it was about his baby girl.

"Where Fat?" Reagan asked.

"She went to the bathroom." Ja'Seem mumbled sitting down next to his dad. His mind was racing, that night when Roslyn asked if anybody loved her kept replaying in his head, and it was driving him crazy.

"Kambree got Rhy and Mari. You can pick them up tonight or when the doctor come out." Reagan stated. Her leg started bouncing up and down, because she was getting impatient.

"I'll get them tonight." Ja'Seem replied with a sigh.

"Hey." Raelyn mumbled walking into the emergency room.

Everybody responded with their own greeting and giving her a hug. Reagan sat in the chair next to Jamari, and allowed for Raelyn to sit in his lap because all of the other chairs were taken.

"I'm glad you're ok Seem." She stated with a small smile. Ra'Seem nodded and sunk down in his chair.

Ra'Seem felt like it should've been him. He would've rathered for it to be him not his twin sister. Ra'Seem felt like Roslyn didn't deserve this because she never gave anyone problems.

"Mane whats taking so long, they need to come on." Ra'Seem groaned loudly.

"And she better be okay, or imma go crazy. Stupid ass people better try they best. I hate this fucking hospital." Ra'Seem mugged.

"Calm yo ass down, and watch your mouth." Reagan snapped her neck in his direction. She understood that he was upset, but at this point he was being disrespectful something she didn't tolerate.

"Mama I just want my sister that's all." Ra'Seem sighed shaking his head.

After two more hours passed, the doctor finally came out looking for the Taylor family.

"Roslyn is awake and is expected to make a full recovery. We want to keep her for a couple of days for more evaluation. It seems as if when she was pinned under the seat it crushed her appendix and her ACL. Sadly to say she won't be able to do any more sports. We did remove the appendix and extra dead tissues just so it wouldn't become infected. She does have a cervical fracture, in other words a broken neck. Luckily she didn't move after the impact of the bus or she would have been paralyzed permanently. Your daughter is a walking miracle. Most cases like her the victim would be pronounced deceased on the scene. Now she does have a minor concussion, so she will experience bad migraines for a while. She'll be in a lot of pain, but she will recover greatly."

"Thank you for everything." Reagan sighed in relief. She expected the worse but was in relief that Roslyn was okay.

"You're certainly welcome. She'll be recovering in the pediatric wing. So room P29."

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