//Meeting Leuvis//

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"Didn't you say you weren't being reckless??!" Ray exclaimed after hearing my plan.

"Well... I mean..." I ventured as I finished bandaging the little boy's arm. I exhaled heavily. "It's the plan that best guarantees all of our safety."

"By having you go one-on-one with a demon?!" Ray exclaimed, more than willing to show his worry through anger.

"I'll be fine." I gave him a grin. "I'm too stubborn to die." I then turned my attention to the 3 siblings. "My name is Y/N. What about you?" I asked them with a bright smile.

"Theo." The littlest boy said. I hummed. I thought it was something like that...

"Monica!" The sister said with a daring albeit nervous smile.

"I'm Jake..." The eldest boy said. I grinned.

"Nice to meet you. Then, let's go over the plan one more time." I took a deep breath and recounted from the beginning. "Monica is going to go with Ray and Violet. You three are going to keep moving and hiding. Stay away from all people and eliminate any tracks you leave- although the two of you already know this. And then you two..." I turned to Theo and Jake. "We're going to run downwind until I give you the signal. Then I want you to slow to a walk and loop widely back to the town. Per usual, stay quiet, stay vigilant, and don't leave any tracks." I took another breath before continuing. "And if you get caught while you're alone and you can't escape, before they kill you tell them to come after Ray and I. Say something like: "They're full-scorers from Gracefield. First come, first served." Got it?"

"And you three." I turned to Ray and Violet. "You're going to do something for me."

"Like what? You're not going to suggest something Emma-like and reckless like 'going around saving all the children before the demons can get to them', right?" Ray asked, unintentionally taking the words right out of my mouth.

"Well...Uh..." I chuckled nervously.

"You've got to be kidding me." Ray face-palmed but sighed In surrender. "Fine. But only if you promise to keep your idiot butt alive. No matter what it takes, ok?!" He growled, poking a finger into my forehead.

"Ok, ok, I promise!" I exclaimed, raising my hands in defeat.

And with that, I waved bye to a reluctant Ray and Violet, and we were off.

I wasn't sure how this plan would work. All I was hoping to do was delay Leuvis enough to redirect his hunt. This was counting on two things- One, he would rather save me for later than eat me now, and Two, he would follow the same pattern as the Manga.

Once we got quite a reasonable distance from where we rendezvoused I held out a hand for the other two to stop. I then ran as fast as I could, leaving the other two in the dust, while I hoped I could make it to the same point Leuvis came into contact with them originally.


My legs trembled at the sight of the top-hatted demon. I gulped and found my throat unnaturally dry. I loved the guy an unreasonable amount when he was just a manga character- but seeing him in person is beyond terrifying.

"...strange." He muttered as he approached me, standing all alone. "I thought for sure you'd tell the 3 siblings to come downwind to save them- did you perhaps leave them behind to die?" He asked, his voice deep and gritty.

I feigned bravery and laughed. "Oh, those suckers? Of course we didn't leave them behind to die! We just... slightly increased their chances of un-aliving!" I reasoned, trying to keep the fear out of my voice. I saw something similar to amusement spread across the demon's face. I'm not sure if the face of amusement or the face or anger was scarier on a demon.

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