//To Be Enough//

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(Cover is from @Valentinesgirl12346 because it made me laugh lol) (if that @ didn't work I'm going to shit myself) (no this chap is not filler)

Also @ s to um actually marcy I forgot your wattpad username and I'm too lazy to find it so it sucks to suck lol <3

MOVING ALONGGG before we get into this 5.4K word chap, let me just say...

TYSM FOR 500K READS MY BEBS <333 I already said it in the discord and on my message board, but I'll say it again: You lot mean the world to me :)) Thanks for sticking around for this incredible journey. Though it has yet to end, I've gotta admit that we are getting pretty close.

Thanks for being super awesome readers, and putting up with the cringeness of everything up until now, ESPECIALLY in the early days. When Alex first asked me to edit for them, I don't think I ever saw this book getting this far. But here I am, running solo now, with half a million reads. (THIS IS A CALL FOR HELP PLS I'M BEGGING)

(That is a joke. KIND OF)

Sooooo thanks to all you lovelies for being such cool little shits. My bebs. I'm happy you exist.

Anyhow, thanks for bearing with my bullshit for this long. I hope you continue to do so up until the long-awaited end of this fic-that-has-been-going-on-for-far-too-long-bullshit, LOL.

As always, have fun reading, and I can't wait to see you in the next one!!


Several hours passed before I heard the others begin to stir from sleep. At the time, I had migrated to the kitchen after finishing my book. I put a kettle on the stove and started some coffee as the first pair of footsteps descended the stairs. I poked my head into the hallway to see a half-awake Norman, who looked like he was about to fall asleep on his feet.

"Morning," I called at him, and Norman startled, snapping awake. It took him a few seconds to acknowledge me.

"Good morning. You're up early," he added with a reasonable amount of surprise– I'm typically not a morning person, let alone the first one up.

"I already slept for two months, so it's only right," I hummed. I puffed out my cheeks and glanced back to the stove. "You want coffee?"

Norman accepted with a nod. "Sure. Oh, I take it black."

"Go figure," I muttered as I made my way into the kitchen. I poured the hot, dark liquid into a mug while Norman assumed a mock hurt look.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I shrugged in response as I poured myself a mug. "That you're boring." I looked down at my own mug of black coffee and assumed a horrified look. "I'm turning into you!"

Norman sighed in response and rolled his eyes as we made our way to the one of the dining tables to wait for the others. We sat across from eachother, and I noticed Norman drumming his fingers against the side of his mug. His eyes were clouded over a little, as he looked deep in thought.

"Do you have a plan?" I asked as I took a guess at what he was thinking about. The way Norman looked back up to me confirmed the fact. "You guys have been here over two months already," I furthered as I pursed my lips, "everyone back in the human world is bound to be worrying..."

Norman nodded soberly, glancing down to his coffee. His tapping resumed again, only to stop abruptly as he spoke. "You're right. We don't have a plan yet. We haven't talked about one because..."

Reborn into The Promised Neverland//RayxReader//जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें