//Joe Mama//

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^^12 y/o Y/N doodle from today because I finished my math quiz early LIKE A BOSS.


As soon as the elevator doors opened, the machine rumbled and shook dangerously. It would not work again- they were sure "the one" had made sure if that.

The room they had entered into was dusty, dry, abandoned, and most importantly- dark. Someone pulled out a flashlight they'd packed and shone it out into the pitch-blackness.

"Where are we?" One of them asked, glancing curiously throughout the space.

"On the other end of the elevator?"

"No, really??" A voice mocked.

"You know what I meant." The first voice whined while a flashlight swept through the dark room, lighting up the walls covered in cobwebs. "This place..." They awknowledged the human-design of the room, old-western based packed with modern-technology. "-doesn't seem very demon-worldy."

"You don't think we ended up somewhere weird...right?"

An exhasperated sigh sliced through the silence. "Relax, guys. One step at a time- just focus on finding an exit for now." There was a short pause containing a sniffle. "-I think I'm allergic to dust."

"Haha, sucks to be you."

"Why am I not surprised?"

"Will you guys shut up already and look for an exit??"

"Lord, please put me back on that tropical island and away from these brats."


I was in a bit of a predicament.

No thanks to Cozbi, of course.

While tied to a tree, I watched as Cozbi's old "relatives" entered the camp. Hastily, I waved at one of the bandits. Or wiggled. Whatever I did, it gained their attention. "Hey, you!" I hissed once the sentry finally glanced at me. To my dismay, the demon bandit only glanced at me for a moment before turning his attention away. "God dammit." I groaned quietly- I was running out of time to make this work.

"You like money?" I asked, and this fortunately piqued the sentry's interest. While I had his attention, I gestured towards Cozbi's old clanmates with the tilt of my head. "Those guys over there find out who I am, and I'm dead." I spoke quickly and quietly, praying I was getting the point across. "And if I'm dead... no ransom."

Realization began to dawn in the demon bandit's eyes while I finished. "You must know how especially those guys hate royals, right?"

This delivered the final blow, and I watched while the bandit quickly waved over one of the other bandits nearby and whispered something at them. The second one perked up and glanced around, then dashed towards the group that was welcoming the other members' arrival.

A few moments of waiting passed before Cozbi let out a low whistle. "That was fast." I raised an eyebrow, leaving silent room for Cozbi to continue. "I'm just realizing this now, but you are exceptionally talented at improvising your way out of shitty situations."

I grinned sardonically. "I've been in so many, finding my way out is second-nature now."

This time, Cozbi grinned. "True. Maybe your "talent" comes in getting yourself into shitty situations, rather than finding your way out of them. Because you seem to find yourself in an abnormal amount of those."

"No thanks to you." I rolled my eyes. "Considering, if I remember correctly, a fair amount of the so-called "shitty situations" I've been through in the past 4 months has been directly brought on by you."

Reborn into The Promised Neverland//RayxReader//Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora