//Discovery & Acceptance//

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I sat down at the table and pulled my headphones over my head. I shifted anxiously in my seat. I've taken plenty of exams before but they've never been literally life and death. If my score is bad enough... I'll be shipped out next. Nina turned the lights off and the board I was sitting at lit up.

"Age 9, type 1. Answer each question within nine seconds." My stomach churned as the test began.

~timeskip brought to you by Sasha's potato~

The test ended and the lights flicked back on. My stomach was churning anxiously. But...
"Congratulations, Poppy, Reina, Hannah! The three of you got perfect scores!" Nila exclaimed, handing out the sheets with the scores on them. I picked mine up and my hands were trembling. I flipped it over to reveal... 298/300. I exhaled deeply. It really was easy- not in the sense that I could've done it as my old self- no way in hell. But all of the questions I easily understood and was able to calculate the answer quickly- much quicker then I've ever been able to.

"Y/n didn't get a perfect score?"

"Wow, that's the first time in a while!"

"Well, she was sick for nearly two whole weeks! We learned a bunch of new material. She probably didn't know some of them."

I exhaled, putting my head on my desk. It was incredible for me- way beyond my own expectations- but it wasn't a perfect score. Poppy walked up beside me and sighed, patting my back.

"What'd you get?" She asked.

"298." I mumbled. She grinned.

"Still better than my average!" She cheered happily.

"You only have a lower average because you neglect in studying half the time." Reina leaned over, talking to her.

"Well, I didn't this time!" I turned my attention away from the two friends argument to the kids surrounding Chris, who was sitting in front of me.

"Chris, wow! That's really high!"

"What got you out of your slump?!" The children around him we're exclaiming.

"Oh, I know~" Poppy inserted herself into their conversation. "You were so worried about Y/n you could barely focus~~! But now that she's better you did your best to please her~~" She tee hee'd

"Wha-? No-!" Chris stuttered, turning around and making eye contact with me for a split second. I laughed and decided to give the boy some piece of mind.

"I'm happy to know you were worried, but don't let it affect your scores!" I gave him a bright smile before leaning over his shoulder to see his score- 298

"We got the same!" I exclaimed, and he turned to me, open mouthed.

"Let's work together to do even better next time, m'kay!" I enthused. The kid was mad blushing and it was hilarious- wait.

I'm a kid.

Hell, I'm a half-year younger than him.
What the f*ck??!

But I'm (age) at heart so it doesn't count!!...right????

...although I have the mental capacity of a five year old... I sighed, flopping back down in my seat.

"Hey," Reina said, turning to me. "If you're that discouraged I could tutor you on the stuff you've missed?"She offered kindly. Blergh. Studying.

"I mean..." I began. I really should catch up, but.... ion wannaaa.

"C'mon, Y/n, don't chicken out on us!" Poppy said, karate chopping my head. "I know you're desperately trying to find an excuse, you can't fool me!!"

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