//Empty promises//

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This chapter is dedicated to the fact that it's chapter 69, and I both wanted to cry and wheeze while writing it because of that fact.

Also, most of you who follow me already know I'm currently sleep and sustenance deprived LOL I'VE BEEN UP FOR OVER 48 CONSECUTIVE HOURS STRAIGHT OR SMTH NOW. 

->But don't do that to urselves pls. Get some proper sleep y'all.

anyhow, this chapter also contains my blood, sweat, and tears.

If it's bad, I will cry.

AnYwAyS~~ have funnnn~~~~~


Y/N stared across the field surrounded by trees, the bright green grass across the hill brushing gently against her calves as a gentle gust of wind blew by. Y/N had a surprisingly nostalgic expression on her face, for someone who had never lived in this specific plant herself, although it was for good reason, as she surveyed the familiar landscape that all the Gracefield houses shared. The sun was relatively bright in the mid-daytime, warming up her skin, despite the air beginning to chill with the change of seasons. 'Earlier...' Y/N sighed to herself, her deep blue eyes glancing towards the gate from the direction which she came from. '-was that the best decision, after all...?'

----- Y/N'S POV ------

"-What about the reward?" The ginger girl asked with a tinge of anxiety, although she looked determined to hear a truthful response. My neck bristled at the older girl's question and expression, but I tried not to let it show on my face, instead giving them a goofy grin.

"Don't worry." I smiled brightly. "We'll all be able to go to the human world together."

"We will?" Ray spoke, crossing his arms with a suspicious hum. "You're really not excluding yourself from that, right?"

"Ray's right!" Emma cried out, tightly grabbing hold of my hands into her own. "You're not going to die or be forced to stay in this world or anything, right?? Because, if that were true..." She glanced around for a moment before her startling green eyes found mine once again "-We wouldn't want you to do it-!!"

"Like I said," I reassured her, squeezing the ginger girl's hands in response. "Every, single, cattle child will be arriving in the human world, safe and sound."

"Then what was the reward?!" Jemima asked, clutching onto my jacket, looking up to me worriedly. "What price do you need to pay??"

I knelt to the ground and patted her head affectionately. "It's already been paid. Together, even, if you're in to technicalities."

"Wha- what do you mean??!" Everyone exclaimed in confusion and shock.

'Sorry, Emma. I'll be taking a page out of your book, now...'  I addressed the room as I stood to my feet."He' tried to take the thing that meant the most to me." I continued my explanation as I turned to face the largest group of kids "Unfortunately for him- since what matters to me most is all of you, he couldn't 'take what meant most to me', after all,-since all the cattle children staying alive was part of the promise.' My tongue ran over my teeth anxiously. 'I mean, technically, it is a half-truth. I suppose it could be considered lie of omission, though.' "So, in the end, he declared the past 1,000 years of time as the reward. Humans, as a whole in the demon world, have suffered so much since then," I rocked back onto my heels with a shrug. "So he saw no need to construct another reward. It makes sense, doesn't it?"

"...Really?!" Yvette asked anxiously, stepping forward from the back along with the other kids.

"I mean, if there's no need for a reward, that's great, but..." Thoma and Lani murmured between one another. My eyes trailed to Ray, expecting some form of rejection to my statement, but he uttered not a single word, simply wearing a mildly dissatisfied expression.

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