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It didn't seem to matter how long I have spent in the cell as with each hour that passed by it looked even less pleasant than when I was first put in here.
I didn't know how long I had been here but judging from the lack of torture I was receiving at the moment, it had not even been a full 24 hours yet. The wait for the whips was killing me to the point of me hoping they would come already so I would be free of the suspense.

That was all I could do. Wait.

Wait for the next round of slashes as I play yet another game of Russian roulette with death.

Never in my life had I ever felt so worthless. I knew that was the point of the warehouse but I never expected it to be this demeaning. Through all my years that I had worked as a maid in an estate full of criminals, I had never felt like this.

I wanted to die.

It had only been a day and even now 'death' was the only thought on my mind.

My body shook with terror as I recounted all the spots in which the lashes had landed. That was the one upside to the darkness of the cell. At least I couldn't see the damage. The sight alone would have send me into another panic attack and I couldn't even fathom the thought of what would happen to me then.

As soon as the thought left my brain, the metallic barrels of the cell door creaked open.

I squirted up in horror, trying to prepare myself for another round of abuse. I forced my eyes shut and quickly crouched back into the corner. I felt the warm liquid dripping out of my wounds the the mere movement but I pushed the thought far back into my brain as I tried to concentrate on the more pressing issue.

Finally gaining the courage to open my eyes, I expected to see a whip aimed directly at my head.

But it never arrived.

Instead, a young looking female was thrown inside, coincidentally the same way I had been. I stared at her in shock, not understanding what was happening or if she was the one who would have her fun with me today, but judging from her pwn scars plastered on her face, I knew that was not the case.

"Now you get to sleep with the trash, my lady." The guard who threw her in snickered.

I flinched at the 'trash' comment as it was obviously directed at me but was even more confused at the 'my lady' part. Did the guards actually dare throw a noble into a cell?

The guard left, leaving me in a confused daze. I turned my attention back to the fatigued woman whose eyes resembled mine. Broken. I don't know what happened to her in her past , but right now we were the same. Although, her face still held a sense of pride which mine had let go of a long time ago.

Her scarcely open scars were even more evident due to her pale expression. Her light yellow eyes swam with worry yet held a glimpse of hope running through them. Her exposed legs were covered with newly found bruises but thankfully, they did not run as deep as mine.
As soon as her eyes scanned over my body, she flinched back. Needless to say, that did not bring the comfort I was looking for.

"W-who a-are you?" The words escaped my mouth before I could stop them. I had always a had a hint of stutter on my voice but this time, the quivering was purely out of the pain.

The woman didn't seem as damaged as me yet so she had no problem lifting up her body and rolling to my side.

Her finger lightly touched my cheek to which I automatically winced back my head.

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