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As soon as the door jerked open I was hit with the familiar rusty smell of Alister's room.

When I wasn't cleaning I often thought about the distinctive smell. It reminded me of home.
I could never be certain if that was actually the smell of the place I grew up in as all the memories from my childhood were very blurry, but I liked to imagine.

In all honesty, I don't even remember what my so-called home looked like. All I could picture was the slewing grin my mother used to give me before I went she passed out from exhaustion.
She always did work too much. I must have inherited that from her.

I grabbed the mop and did my usual morning routine. The tiles on Alister's floor were much different to the ones at Lord Cullen's. His were pitch white almost reminding you of a facade of innocence, whereas Alister's were made from dark wood that resembled elegance and yet held a hint of leisure.

It was the morning and my scars were slowly healing. I still felt a sting whenever I bended down but overall the situation has improved miraculously. The scar on my cheek was less lucky. I didn't need a mirror to know that it looked atrocious. The second I returned back to the quarters last night, all the maids visibly flinched at the sight of me.

Last night.

It was only now that my mind had finally wrapped around what had happened that night.

"Why the fuck are you not in my room?"

I stood still. I didn't dare move.
His facial expression told me all I had to know.
I should not provoke him, not that I ever planned to.

It took a few seconds for my brain to realize he was talking directly to me. I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out.

What was he doing here?

Alister sighed at my confused and frightened expression and his gaze softened a little.

That did not stop his temper, because the next thing I knew, I was roughly grabbed by my arm and dragged to the elevator. I didn't move to stop as he was still the Don.

I didn't even get a chance to scream or move when the elevator doors closed. This did not help seize my anxiety whatsoever.

I had no idea where he was taking me and I feared the answer. After-all, I did escape punishment several times and I was stupid to think it would bite me back in the ass.
My mind came to halt until I heard the ground move beneath my feet. It was then that I realized,


The elevator was for elites, everyone knew that and none more than the servants. It was every maid's dream to one day set foot in the moving device but the wish seemed impossible...

Don't judge us, we didn't have a lot to dream about.

The elevator started moving and I was so close to loosing my balance. I still couldn't believe my eyes. I was in an actual elevator! I could feel the ground moving up as if I was going against gravity. From what I could remember, this was my first time in a moving object.
It was mesmerizing.

I looked up at Alister. I don't know what I wanted to see on his expression. I just wanted to see something that would explain what was happening, but all I saw was a calm and collected emotion plastered on his face with a hint of fury from whatever event he attended before our meeting.

The elevator came to a halt and Alister took me by the arm and again, dragged me out.
I finally realized where he was taking me when he turned the corner into his room.

He opened the door as I stared wide eyed at him. I should have seen this coming. It was pretty obvious from the floor we were in that he would take me to his room, but something about it actually happening confused the hell out of me.

"Clean." He stated before leaving to his room.

I stared at the floor trying to price the puzzles together as to what is happening.
It wasn't exactly rocket science, but the fact that he would actually spare even a second of his time on fetching me to come here seemed crazy.

I gasped when I heard the voice only to realize the sound came out of my mouth. I had no idea where I had gotten the confidence to talk to him, but somehow I did.

I prayed to whatever was up there that he didn't hear me but my attempts were feeble.
He stormed back into the room with the same calm expression.

"Why what?"
He said almost breaking his calm demeanor with his short temper.

I gulped and somehow contacted the pieces of confidence that I have not met in over a few years.

"Why am I here?"

He looked at me with his blue eyes before taking a few steps before me. We were about 5 inches apart before h came to a halt.
"Because I told you to."

I gulped at how close we were. If I would lean forward our lips would-

No.Don't go there. Since when did I have thoughts like this?

I dropped my head down to avoid eye contact at all costs.
"I-I don't mean to be rude, but I h-have to g-get back to Lord Cullen's room, I'm s-supposed to be his p-private maid."

"You're not going to be his anything. From now on you clean here. Understood?" Alister snapped back at me like the mere thought of me working for Lord Cullen was unbearable.

I was silent for a while but after seeing my silence seemed to anger him more, I nodded.

I was hoping he would step away from me but he kept his eyes locked on mine without making any effort to distance himself.

After what seemed like an eternity, he finally took a step back but his eyes never left mine.
Servants were never supposed to act like they were equal to their employers, so eye contact was off-limits and yet, here I was, staring into those deep blue eyes.

"You clean here now." He firmly stated leaving the room, walking  straight into his office.

I sighed as my heart finally recovered from the memory of the closeness of our bodies.
Not knowing what else to do, I started to clean. It was then that I remembered I left most of the equipments back in Lord Cullen's room, but I didn't dare go back there. Alister basically forbid me to and anyway Alister's room looked untouched since I cleaned it and probably didn't need much other than mopping.

I was scared. I'm not going to lie. The thought of Lord Cullen finding out I was not cleaning his room made the panic rise up to my neck, but I knew I had no choice. Alister was of a much higher power, therefore he was much more superior to Lord Cullen. I had to listen to him.

I just hope Lord Cullen would understand.

20 minutes later, the thought of Lord Cullen was still haunting me. I didn't want to face him and I knew what he did to girls.

And I would rather get whipped than raped.

I mopped the dark tiles until I could practically see my own reflection in the wood. I was about to move to sweep the bathroom but the office doors suddenly opened to reveal a still perfect looking Alister.

"I want that massage."


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