20 - 7:15 a.m.

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Amy got out of her car and shut the door, "Mary Margaret!" Amy called out.

David pulled up and ran to her, "Where is she?" David asked.

"She told me to wait, but she's been a while," Amy said.

"Come on!" David said and they ran along the road.

Suddenly, they heard Mary Margaret shouting for help, "Over there!" Amy said and they ran over to a slope. They found Mary Margaret hanging on.

David got down and grabbed Mary Margaret's arm as Amy held his other arm, "David! Amy!" Mary Margaret said.

"Grab my hand!" Mary Margaret grabbed his hand, "Hold tight!" He looked back at Amy, "Steady?" Amy nodded, "Pull!" David said and Amy and David pulled Mary Margaret up to solid ground. David and Mary Margaret fell back on the ground as Amy looked at them.

"Not that I'm not happy you're here but why are you here David?" Amy asked.

"You really think I'd let you two come out here alone?" Mary Margaret pulled away from David, "You okay?" David asked.

"I'm fine, thanks," Mary Margaret said as Amy and Mary Margaret headed up onto the road again.

"Where are you going?" David asked as he followed them.

"We came to find the flock!" Mary Margaret said.

"And I came here to get you both before you got hurt!" David said.

They reached the road and thunder clapped and heavy rain began to fall, "Oh great!" Amy said.

"We have to go!" David said.

Mary Margaret saw the birdcage and ran towards it, "No!" Mary Margaret said.

"Doing this on foot is not the best plan!" David said.

"The gate was closed!" Amy said.

"I know, I saw," Mary Margaret attempted to cover the birdcage with her jacket, "It's too late, we have to go," David said.

"No, but the bird-," Mary Margaret said.

"Mary Margaret, it's not safe! We need to get out of her" Thundercrashd, "Come on," David said and the three of them headed back up the road.

Amy watched them and she heard a howl, turning around, "Amy!?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Get her home, David!" Amy said and ran off.

"Amy!" Mary Margaret and David yelled.


At the Royal Castle dungeon, Snow White, Grumpy and Stealthy made their way through the tunnels.

They passed an opening, "Oh wait, wait. Stairs," Snow White said as she gestured towards the stairs and Grumpy and Stealthy paused.

"No, we sneak out through the courtyard," Stealthy said.

"No, it's safer if we climb over the curtain wall," Grumpy and Stealthy exchanged a glance, "Trust me, hiding from royals is my life," Snow White said.

"But the courtyard is clear now, but it won't be for much longer," Stealthy said.

Grumpy looked from Stealthy to Snow White, "Sorry, lady, Stealthy got me this far," Grumpy said and ran off with Stealthy.

"Grumpy, Grumpy, wait!" Snow White called out but she was left alone.

"Grumpy, Grumpy, wait!" Snow White called out but she was left alone

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