37 - The Stable Boy

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At the pier, Alana and Emma were sat on a bench, looking through Henry's storybook when both Amy and August walked up to them.

"What are you two doing?" Amy asked.

"Grasping at straws," Alana said.

"Still trying to find a way to prove your friend's been framed?" August asked.

"Every time we go down a path we think leads somewhere, it ends up being a dead end. I used to think we had great instincts... Superpower. Oh, I don't know," Emma said and Alana nodded.

"It sounds like you both got a case of writer's block. Only without the whole writing part," August said.

"Possibly," Alana said.

"You know, when I get struck by a block, I usually reread what I've done, rather than plough ahead blindly. Sometimes, I find there'll be a little nugget of inspiration left behind," August said.

"You mean start over?" Emma asked.

"I mean, when I start writing, I usually have one idea. And then, in the middle, I may get another idea, and things are different," August said.

"So, your perspective changes," Alana said.

"Exactly," August said.

"When you two started this investigation, what was it about?" Amy asked.

"A missing person. Then, it became a murder, and then a cover-up," Alana said.

"If you knew that then, maybe you would have approached things differently," August said.

Alana and Emma looked at each other and stood up, "Where are you two going?" Amy asked.

"Scene of the crime," The twins said and started walking away.

"I'll drive," August said and followed them.

"No, we're fine," Emma said.

"No, you're not. You two haven't slept in days," Amy said.

"And, let's be honest, it was my idea," August looked at Amy, "Coming?" He asked.

"I have a job to get back to," Amy said.

"Okay, see you later," August said and left with the twins.

"You do know three people can't get on your motorcycle, right?" Alana said.

"And we know you don't have a car," Emma said.

"Picking at my gesture isn't very friendly of you two," The twins looked at him, "I can drive a car," August said and held his hand out for the car keys as they approached the yellow bug and Emma handed him the keys.

"Picking at my gesture isn't very friendly of you two," The twins looked at him, "I can drive a car," August said and held his hand out for the car keys as they approached the yellow bug and Emma handed him the keys

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Alana, August and Emma drove in the yellow bug to the Toll Bridge. The three of them walked down an incline to the spot under the bridge where Ruby found the heart.

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