Chapter 55

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So Paired had finally surpassed Hidden to be my longest book.🏃‍♀️🎉🎉🤲🏾🤲🏾
Jazak Allah to y'all for sticking with me so far. Even if Paired might not have gone how y'all wanted it😪 So little romance but more pain😪
Hidden was more of struggles people go through after marriage even with love in the equation. But Paired is more of the struggles love brings. It may be sweet and all but it brings alongside it so much pain and without perseverance you might not see the end results of such a love.
Okay so I also want to make this clear.
The reason Tawfiq and Naima are so involved in Paired is because I don't really see Karim as independent yet. Unlike Tawfiq who run away to live on his own, Karim lives with his parents and he grew up differently from Tawfiq. He has no doubts of becoming the next king like Tawfiq had. He's different from Tawfiq I guess and he relies a lot on his parents. But this is KARIM's story. Unlike some books that make 21/22 year olds seem independent, Karim isn't fully yet. He's an adult, yes. And he's married on top of that. But he still needs his parents in everything he does. That's how come Tawfiq and Naima are always around. And well because I love them too🙂😭😭❤️❤️

Okay so I just wanted to clear that up.

I hope you're not confused. If you are just ask your questions.



"I'm fine, mama...yes, I'm, I haven't lost a body part...everyone's fine...I'll make sure to tell them...Nick?" Karim chuckled.

"He's angry that you got to follow his parents when he's never allowed to." Naima said to him.

"Tell him I said when he's older. Let me talk to him first." Karim said to his mother.

"He's gone with the others to the zoo."

"I do hope one of the lions eat him up." Karim joked.

"Karim!" Naima reprimanded.

"Yes, mama?" Karim said innocently.

"Anyways, just be safe and come home soon. We all miss you. Samia misses you the most. She cried so hard when she woke up and you weren't around. You betrayed her. You left without saying goodbye."

"My little angel." Karim muttered.

"She's fine so hurry up and come back for her."

"I will."

"That's enough catching up, Karim. I need to talk to your mother." Tawfiq frowned.

Not want...need.
Karim just shook his head at him.

"I'm giving the phone to your impatient husband."

"My baby..." Naima cooed.

Karim pulled the phone away from his ears.

"Ew, mama. Eww." Karim frowned and handed the phone to his father like it was contaminated. They had no problem with advertising their love to him. Karim could say it was disgusting but deep down a part of him was biting at him that he was jealous. Maybe a bit.

Tawfiq took the phone from Karim and smiled as he heard Naima's voice.

"My love." Tawfiq said into the phone.

"My world." Naima replied.

"I've missed you more than anything." Naima continued.

"How are you? Everyone too?" Naima asked him.

"I'm good. Everyone's fine..."

"Excuse me." Karim quickly disappeared from there before he heard something he didn't want to hear.

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