Chapter 2

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Been a while. I know. But I told you it would be slow updates till after school.
Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter.


"I don't think my friends really like me." Daneen frowned.

"And why do you say that, little sister?" Karim wondered.

"Because they never listen to what I have to say. They just keep asking about you. " Daneen eyed her brother up and down." I don't see anything special about your face. " She scowled.

"Ouch. That hurt my ego." Karim cackled. "But if you think that they aren't good friends then ditch them. " Karim shrugged.

It was a hot day... as usual... and he and Daneen decided to sit outside and refresh whiles Habiba and Shamsiya did Allah knows what inside.

"That's the problem. I can't. They are the only ones I talk to at school. This is all dad's fault. He had to give you his genes, didn't he? And what did I get? Nothing... " She frowned.

"You are the prettiest princess on the face of the Earth. Don't forget that. And I suggest you ditch those friends of yours. They'd come crawling back to you. You still are the princess of the UAE. Whatever position their parents hold, it definitely isn't the King or Queen of this country." Karim shrugged.

"What did they want to know about me at all?" Karim wondered.
Most of his details were online.

"Ummm...nothing?" Daneen looked away.

"What did you do?" Karim eyed her.



She fiddled with her fingers. "I might have given them your phone number?"

"Daneen A'ad bint Abdul Malik Tawfiq, you did what?!" Karim's eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry! They pressured me! I didn't know what to do!" She cried out.

"But my phone number!? That was way over the line! What did I tell you about giving my number out?"

"That you hated it because you wouldn't know who exactly has it. You can just change it?" She offered.

"I have changed my phone number 6 times already and all because of you." Karim blamed which he regretted a second later because Daneen started to tear up.

"I'm... sorry... I.. I d-didn't k-know what to do... I'm... sorry I'm such a trouble maker. I mess everything up... I can never be like Habiba or Shamsiya... I'm just a whole mess.." She started to cry.

"No, don't cry. I didn't mean it like that. You have the kindest heart ever that's why everyone wants to be with you. I can always get a new phone number." Karim hugged her side and tried to console her.

She calmed down eventually and after talking for a while, she left him alone.
Not a minute later, Shamsiya came to sit by him.

"Aren't you the best big brother ever?" She had seen what just happened.

"Of course I am. I'm her prince in shining armor, literally." Karim boasted.

"Well, prince in shining armor, I'm sure you can go out by yourself then, can't you?" Shamsiya smirked.

"Shams. Shams. If I had a dollar for every time you said that, I'd be richer than my dad." Karim chuckled teasingly.

"You are lucky I like you a little, you douchebag! Anyways, I'm going out with Habiba and Daneen. Better stay indoors before the big bad wolf comes to get you!" She teased.

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