Chapter 35

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Salam y'all
So as usual please remember me in your prayers. 🤲🏾🥺
Anyways chapter 35?!!!! Oooooohhhh😁😁
What's going to happennnnnn😭😭
Even I'm scared🤧😂😂
I take my words back that writer's block doesn't exist...
It Does 🙂🚶🏿‍♀️

Anyways I'm over the block I guess.
So hopefully you like this chapter.


The person driving the small tennis cart sent them straight to their part of the palace.
They passed by the part of the palace where Karim's cousins and his dad's siblings lived.
Some older people bowed slightly to show respect to their crown prince. Whiles the younger kids basically screamed out Karim's name with a smile and a wave.

"SHEIKH KARIM!" One little girl, Karim realized was Hadiya waved with a grin.

Karim smiled back and waved at her. Karim noticed Hadiya's mother narrowing her eyes at her daughter. It wasn't customary to shout the name of royal members outside. Especially if the person was the king or in his case the future king.

When the cart stopped, Zaira was the first to get off the car.
Her eyes were wide in shock. So this is what money could do.

"WOW." Was all she could say.

"This is just your side of the palace? Aren't you like 10 people?" This part of the palace was too big for just them.

"7. And the plan was to live with my uncle Salim but he moved to the military base homes with his family after he became general."

"It's still too big. I feel you've cheated your other cousins. All those people share two thirds of this whole place and just the 7 of you share this place?"

"It's not cheating if my parents built this extension with their own money. This is an extension they did after we moved here. My dad has money from other sources. My mom too. Leaving out the money for being King and Queen, they're rich on their own." Karim shrugged like it was nothing.

"So if we're talking about cheating, they are. Because they've occupied the whole palace my grandfather left behind." Karim ended his explanation.

"Why are you answering my questions so easily without an argument?" Zaira chuckled.
She was surprised that he answered her even.

"Well, you have my daughter in a bomb basket in your hands. I don't want to be on your bad side." Karim looked ahead and began walking to the huge glass door.

Zaira pursed her lips and followed him into his home.

When they stepped inside, all Zaira could do was stare with her mouth opened. The place was amazing on the outside already but inside was just spectacular. What seemed to be the ground floor living room was as big as their whole house back in the states.

There was a big state of the art kitchen at the far end and close to it was a large dining area...
She just couldn't comprehend the largeness of just this part.

"Please close your mouth." Karim looked at her from the corner of his eyes.

"You would do the same if you were in my shoes. This is amazing! My God!"

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