Chapter 29

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A hectic month had ultimately passed by.

I was discharged from the hospital a week ago and now could walk around and be myself again.

A voice sharply yelled "Hurry up" as I was applying my makeup, making me smear my mascara.

"Give me a second," I yelled back.


Can't even let me get ready in peace.

"We're going to be late!" I heard Jared yell.

I ran a brush through my hair and kept it down while placing a diamond clip on one side. I quickly put on my heals, grabbed my purse and left the room.

"The car is waiting for us," said Jared, already waiting by the elevator.

I rolled my eyes and skipped down the stairs.

The elevators opened and I ran in first, pressing the button for the lobby.

"What took you so long?" he asked after the doors closed.

I glared at him but didn't say anything.

After the whole incident in Italy, we were on bad terms.

Really bad terms.

I was ignoring him while he spent his time annoying me.

With his fathers funeral, managing the company, finishing school, and taking care of his family, he was preoccupied and took all his stress out on me.

And as a woman who was hospitalized for almost a month, I didn't have the energy to deal with his shit.

I was just another burden he was forced to deal with.

On top of that, he continuously badgered me about my near-drowning experience, saying that he couldn't deal with another "crazy woman" in his life and that I should explain myself.

The fact that he was comparing me to Beth angered me so I refused to talk to him about it.

The elevator doors opened and I walked out briskly.

"When are you going to stop ignoring me?"

I turned towards him and lifted one of my brows.

"I don't feel like talking to you right now. Could you please shut up and not talk to me for the remainder of the day?"

He looked agitated. "This is an engagement party. Our engagement party. You have to talk to me at some point."

I walked to the awaiting black Mercedes and opened the door to get in.

Just as I was about to close the door, he grabbed the door and pulled it open.

"What are you-"

He inched close to my face and stopped when our noses were almost touching.

"You better not embarrass me. A lot is riding on this event."

I stared into his eyes and could see the bitterness he felt towards me.

And what sucked was that I was starting to like him.

I was starting to like this fucking ignorant prick.

This isn't who I am. I can't marry him.

I can't give up my freedom.

I wanted to slap his face but instead I backed away from him and scooted inside to sit by the window.

He followed in a few seconds later and shut the door.

The car then immediately left towards the Centennial, a five star hotel and restaurant where celebrities and well-known political figures mingled.

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