Chapter 15

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The bell had rung and Tim and I headed out the classroom. 

"So are you going to head home with Asher?" he asked as we exited the school doors. 

I groaned and shook my head. "No way. I'm not going to give into Jared's commands. I can do whatever the hell I want."

"But what if you get in trouble?" he said while giving me a worrisome look.

I scoffed and threw my arm over his shoulder. "He doesn't control me. He can't do anything to me."

He shrugged and threw my arm of his shoulder. "Whatever you say. So you want to come over or what?"

I chuckled. "I was waiting for you to invite me over."

"Alright but I hope you mind walking."

"No problem."

We both headed towards his condo that was located five minutes away from school. 


It was around 11 at night when I arrived at Jared's house. Tim and I had pizza together and finished a physics project that took five hours to do. We had gotten so carried away that my phone died and it was really late. 

Paying the taxi, I got out and headed for the basement door that was located at the back of the house. 

Since the place was really private, the door was always unlocked so I easily slipped in without hassle. 

When I walked in, oddly the lights were turned off and the room was pitch black. 

"They're rich but can't install automatic sensor lights," I said as I closed the door and slowly walked around, trying to turn on the light.

"Looking for the light switch?"

The sudden voice startled me, making me bump into a couch. I immediately lost my balance and fell on it, landing on something hard. 

"Watch it."

What the heck? Couches are supposed to be soft. And they don't talk!

"The light switch was near the door by the way."

"Jared?" I asked in confusion. I was so tired that I was finding it hard to perceive the things around me. "Where are you?"

"Yeah, you're sitting on me, " he said. It sounded like he was mad. 

"It's dark, I can't see anything. It's not my fault," I said, not moving from my position. Walking in the dark was something I was not good at. 

"Get up so I can turn on the lights."

I didn't move because I was scared to bump into something.

"I said move," he demanded. I could feel his hands on my waist. 

"Don't touch me!" I exclaimed, slightly jumping from his sudden touch. 

He didn't listen. His hands snaked around my waist and then abruptly picked me up.

"You're taking advantage of me because I can't see anything!" I shouted in annoyance. 

"No, I'm moving you so I can turn on the lights," he said matter-of-factly.

He was right. He moved me somewhere soft and then I heard some shuffling noises. 

The lights soon turned on, illuminating the room with brightness. The sudden exposure of light blinded me for a second but then my vision cleared when I saw Jared leaning against the living room wall with one of his hands in his pockets. His facial expression held one of anger and rage.

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