Chapter 9

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"Both of you have clean records so I'm not going to give you a harsh punishment," Headmaster Harry stated, giving us a stern look. "But there will be consequences implemented."

"Consequences implemented?!" I interjected, jumping out from my seat. "Anna came into the room and attacked us! I don't see why we need any consequences!"

The Headmaster took off his glasses and folded his hands on top of his desk.

"Ms. Hart, would you like to explain why you were in that empty classroom instead of being in your designated class?"

I was quiet cause I didn't know what to say. It was my fault for even dragging Jared into that room.

"Okay I guess that counts as skipping class," I said in dismay, sitting back in my seat. "But it's not Jared's fault. I dragged him into that class to privately talk to him. I don't think he should suffer the consequences."

The Headmaster chuckled. "Jared wasn't going to face any consequences in the first place."

Why the hell not?!

"Come again?" I asked confused.

"Allow me to explain Uncle," Jared said, turning to face me.

"Uncle! Headmaster Harry is your uncle?!" I asked shocked, looking between them back and forth.

Jared merely nodded with a bored expression. "Yes. Also, I wasn't skipping because third period is my free period. Technically, I can be wherever I want to be."

"Oh" was all I said as I glanced between the two.

How did I not know they were related?!

"So what consequences do I face sir?" I asked awkwardly as I turned to face him.

"You will have to help Ms. Smith, the librarian, organize the shelves in the library for a month."

Oh, that's not too bad!

"Alright, that works for me," I agreed.

"And since I have you two in here, I just wanted to personally congratulate you two on your engagement. I couldn't make it to the gala to witness the whole thing but Robert told me everyone was happy about the whole arrangement," the Headmaster said, giving us a gentle smile.

I tried my best not to roll my eyes. I gave him a forced smile while Jared just sat there with a bored expression.

"Thank you and I hope you don't mind me asking but if you are Jared's uncle, that means Robert Cunning is your brother?" I asked curiously.

"No, actually I am the only brother of Jared's mother Amelia."

"Jared's mother?" I asked in surprise.

"Uncle, I think we're done here. Julia needs to get to class now," Jared said as he stood up and grabbed my hand.

"Very well," the Headmaster said as Jared dragged me out of his office.

Once outside, Jared let go of my hand and looked at me.

"I think you should go to the nurse and get an ice pack or something. Your face looks a little...beat up,"

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