CHapter 3: Pasta, Friends, and Texts

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Jess had a good day still lost in the shock of how everything had unfolded and a little guilty and shame of how deseperate and stupid she must of how looked and sounded she was just thankful no one else saw what happened. She was also thankful at how nice and wonderful her was about it. Something about him drove her wild inside there was such a strong pull to him wishing to know him better to find out why she no longer cared after six months she was ready to take the plunge. She missed dating and the thrill of being with someone. It was just different this time it's more than that she actual strong feelings for this man she's slowly gotten to know. Lost in the shock still of his confession still running through his ears her face was stuck looking like a full strawberry red.

Unlocking her door and taking a quick shower she trailed to her kitchen to make some food. When Lexi and Eric scared the shit out of her. Drinking sweet teas. "Oh geez! What are you doing here?" Jessie said holding her hand over chest trying to calm it down. "We're hungry. Besides I heard you had quiet the day and might have some tea time." "Oh yes she has the tea." Eric added with a huge smirk. "You could only hear it form two people and one is right here. You damn gossiping pack of hyenas." Jess said as she finished putting her hair in a messy bun. As she started making Creamy chicken alfredo with broccoli and garlic bread as the salad was prepped this morning.

"So tell me is this the guy you been drooling for since we strutted in this place? Isn't he the one who has that one friend who has been trying to tug you chain the whole time we've been here?" Lexi asked. "Yes actually I believe his name is like Ryker Ryder or Rylo something like that?" Jess said. "It's actually Ryder and you should hear some of the lines that he tries to use to snag her. He would try to talk about the books that Xavier and Jess would be discussing in line waiting on the food and the boy would get so lost. I finally pulled him aside like last week and told him if he wasn't going to actually read the shit and educate himself than go on spark notes and get the main basic idea that my sexy ladies is how I got my degree in college." Eric said as they all laughed deeply. "Awe the poor guy. Girl at least he was trying. " Lexi said. "He's a total player Lex besides if I want someone I can't trust and who going to run around on me I can always hit Dimitri he got that roll pegged. Is it wrong that I'm this excited over a first date?" Jess asked looking at them. "You've been feeling this man for months. You know him well enough to know if you like him, which blind people can see you do. You have a right to be excited, nervous and happy." Eric said holding a hand over hers.

After prepping the plates. "I'm so excited for you. I've been on seven dates since we got here and three of them were dogs and four of them we just didn't connect the way you would hope to. I'm going to live life through this weekend bestie, unless Eric wants to spend some time with me?" "Yes I would love to. All my dates sucked. Like seriously thinking about becoming bi. Good men are lacking. S how are you feeling about the date?" Eric asked.

"Well that's just it at first I was excited now I'm just nervous it's been two and a half years since I've been on a first date. I don't know if I know how anymore. Like is offering to pay half the bill like I always do acceptable or offensive? Does he make all the plans or do we do it together? What if we go some where and get allergic reactions or food poisoning? What if we go out and he gets uncomfortable because people are easily scared of him he's a huge guy, how fast are tongues going to wag the next morning. If wee go on more dates is he going to expect sex? I mean dating is scary because you don't what that person is carrying. According to Ms. Ellie he hasn't seen anyone in a very long time what if I let him done or he gets disappointed?" Jessie said looking down at her plate.

"Your putting way to much pressure on this Stop being so hard on yourself. You will get intimate at whatever pace you both feel comfortable at. It's been awhile for him to so I thin the main goal of this date is just to have a good time in each others company and enjoy yourself. That's the only expectation you need to have. Play it by ear I bet he's just as nervous and excited seeing the way he interacted with you today. He's probably a daddy that's hot." Eric said.

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