Chapter 28: You Got Something To Tell Us?

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The invites were all received and everything was all set. The only thing left was to pick up her dress in Atheo the day before the wedding the girls were going to make a big day of it getting their nails done at the store next door so Niki could lay back and enjoy herself too, Eric was excited to get a well deserved pedicure the guys insisted on going since nothing seemed to be going right in that town lately. The good news was the garment bags were black and non see through so as long as Xavier didn't see the dress Jessie was happy to agree to making a nice day out of something special.

It was the day of the combined parties and everyone was starting to get ready the girls held up in the master bathroom since it was the biggest. Eric and the guys were getting ready in the ones closer to the living room they were mainly just watching T.V. The guys were dressed all in matching dark washed jeans and just simple dark grey shirts that all hugged their muscles in all the right ways. Even Eric was matching the guys it's crazy how big his build has gotten all this time with Noah he has gotten half the size as the rest which is still impressive.

"Come chickies get a move on, get those sexy asses out here." Eric hollered to them. The door opened and four hearts stopped once those high heels stopped clicking. "We're ready, we're ready. Geez, it's not like we took that long any way it was only about twenty-five minutes." Kiley said. "Can any of you curl and do hair four women in twenty-five minutes?" Niki asked with attitude that dared anyone to argue with her. "What's wrong with them. Babe? Babe? Guy's you alright?" Jessie asked them. "I think we broke them?" Lexi said making everyone laugh at them. "What did you say something honey." Xavier said as the other guys mumbled something along the same lines. Making their women, Noah, and Eric.

Once they got to the reserved part of the hotel. They realized it was a complete red carpet set up. "Wow Eric you really wen tall out for this?" Axel said with a deep smile everyone loved it there was even a phototgrapher to take your picture at the end with fun little props. "Well it's for the four of you and I just wanted you to be happy, and let loose with great friends for your last hoorah." Eric said proudly. "Well everything looks wonderful." Lexi said hugging him closely. "Let's get inside and start enjoying ourselves." Jaxon said a hand wrapped around Niki waist both excited to let loose tonight.

The guys were not big fans of the way other men looked at their partners, even Noah got jealous of the way some men were looking at Eric. The only thing is the girls and Eric either didn't notice or just didn't care they were to busy talking to other friends or people coming to congratulate them or try to talk to talk to them. Over the last couple months they have been the best in their careers and just being with famous men did not slow that down however it did push them into more work. All the other fighters who hung around the guys all their significant others or even themselves somehow needed a piece of or from them it was exhausting but luckily tonight every get it fun, the only shop talk was just about how it was going and how they loved or adored them and their work. The guys made a strong point to try to keep tonight light and breezy as this was their day off to celebrate four special people to all those they invited.

"Damn girls you know there are just times I think you just want to get killed when you come out looking like that I mean look at these dudes behind you serious looking like they going to blow a vein or two." Tony said coming up hugging Jessie and Lexi nodding his head to the rest of the girls. The rest of the Atheo clan right behind him repeating the gesture. "You look other worldly beautiful tonight." Dimitri whispered in her ear. Kissing the top of her and Lexi's head. Looing up to Axel and Xavier. "I don't think either of us have ever properly congratulated you guys on ringing these amazing women up. Congratulations you tow are extremely lucky men, just some personal advice don't blow it." Dimitri said reaching his hand to shake to both Axel and Xavier who accepted respectfully. "Nobody deserves them. Not you, not us, not anyone but I guess they could have always done worse." Mateo said shaking their hands too. "That's one of the nicest compliments your ever going to get out of his sour puss take it and run boys." Leo said laughing shaking their hands too.

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