Chapter 18: Big Fights, and Second Chances

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Next day was the big fight and the girls and Eric were in the in the back saying goodbye to the guys wishing them luck walking back to the stands. This time though they were able to sit in the third and forth row. Lexi and Jessie were in the forth next to an aisle seat in a special section. Eric and Niki were sitting in the third sitting right in front of them making it easier to talk to each other. Drinking on their sweet teas, enjoying the fights five had happened already and they were in sort of like an intermission just waiting. When a security guard came and stayed by them in the corners, when they looked up they realized they were squared off with a few of them around their area. Looking at each other growing a little concerned.

"Um excuse me. Sir, hey you honey." The man asked pointing to himself. "Are we ok, right here? Is something going on?" Niki asked him getting worried. They guys all waiting on deck could see them getting uncomfortable which was getting them a little nervous. "No your perfectly fine. It's just the reporters at the door were able to get access in and we were told by the owner to stay put near all four of you." "Why is that? Reporters have been in here this whole time and they haven't even glanced this way, what would sport writers want form us?" Jessie asked all four of them lost in confusion.

"These are not our regular reporters these are reporters from other towns, wanting all the details about all four of your relationships with you and your men about to come on." The four looked at each other than looked to their men. Who by the unhappy looks on their faces and all of them being very stern to the security guards they were talking too just found out the same thing they just did. "Well thank you guys for staying with us, all of you, really. You know what here." Jessie said pulling out her little not pad. Writing down the number to the shop with a little a coupon that says Jessie and Eric owe you one. "Here she and Eric got up and gave the guys the little homemade coupons for whatever their little hearts wanted in the shop. As a thank you. The shop was only about fort-five minutes away, and they told them they would have whatever they wanted delivered. Some the guys most just wanted their t-shirts signed, by their boyfriends, and the others just really wanted the food. Either way they all had a good laugh.

The bell rang to gather everyone's attention. Alright ladies and Gentlemen we're going to go ahead and get this right back started into our last five fights of the evening I know I'm super stoked for it. Once again I'm Hunter Thompson your host for tonight. I have got to say a huge way to go to the last five fights we've seen it is truly an awesome thing to behold these men are such great competitors, and insanely trained athletes. Do not try this at home all you kids and novice advancers these men have been at this and training for a long time. The last five fights were chosen at random all but the last two who were actually our first round of personal challenges in about a year so that is pretty exciting I personally can't wait to see it. That being said let's welcome the first of the last fight fives to the rings, from Atheo he goes by the name of Tank for beyond obvious reasons." Hunter said with a chuckle. "Coming in from West Weick the amazing man who makes everything like this even possible for these guys please welcome the Devil himself." Everyone screaming losing their minds to see Tony, and Noah enter the ring and shake each other's hands. Than getting into place.

Tank and Noah were definitely holding nothing back form each other. You could see their mind move with every micro move and thought with him. Blow for blow was incredible. It wasn't a long fight it took all about twenty minutes for the Devil to totally dismantle the Tank. Tony couldn't take any more Noah strength and speed was just to much for him. Leaving Tony with two defeats in the last year, and Noah still undefeated.

"That was nothing less than a show against strength on strength am I right folks, that was definitely something I would pay to see again. Next from Atheo, and West Wick let's everybody put it up for Joker and Pyro!" Hunter yelled getting everyone back to bouncing on their feet. Cheering wildly including the four biggest fans he had with them. "WE LOVE YOU RYDER!!" They yelled in unison. Making him wink smiling deeply at them. Leo looking at the raising his two hands up at the girls. They looked at each other and rolled their eyes. Screaming back in unison. "WE LOVE YOU LEO!." Making him smile and bow to them. Making the last six guys waiting to pound on each other laugh deeply. Ryder and Leo pounded their fist together and than backed away to get started.

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