Chapter 8: Beast meets Reaper

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It's been a fast two weeks. Filled with friend, laughter, fun and a lot of work in between for everyone. The weird thing was how fast both her dad and Xaiver's dad got along. They are in contact a lot now. Jessie could swear every week Xavier just keeps growing he is living up to his stage name he was a true beast in that ring but now it was her main goal to see if he can be a beast other places too. She was starting to wonder if it would ever happen but after talking it through he made her understand that it's been awhile for him since he's any type of contact of the opposite sex and least a strong five years and he was nervous he wouldn't be up to her standards. So after getting a sexy outfit for the mall a town over with Lexi she was going to have a special night just for him. Showing him just what it means to appreciate his body.

Jessie made him pot roast with the carrots, some white onion strips inside with it. Followed with a fresh salad with the works, mashed potatoes and gravy, finishing it up wish fresh buttered dinner rolls. With a New York styled cheesecake topped with fresh fruits from strawberries, blueberries, kiwis, and black berries. Fresh sweet tea. All the food was settled onher tabled which was decorated with a dark blue table cloth and fresh rose petals. That trailed all the way back to the master bedroom. Which was waiting with some other things she would be needing for the night. After all the things Xavier does to make her feel loved and wanted she wanted to make sure he knew how much those feelings were returned.

She was wearing a beautiful summer dress and waiting for him at his chair. When he opened the door after having to drop something off to his parents, and hanging around with the guys he was surprised. "Wow baby, what's going on? OH shit. Did I forget something important." HE said as he ran one hand up to his mouth real quick."No you did not besides it's only over a month you're good. I just wanted one night to show my appreciation for you. I wanted to make you feel as special and loved as you make me feel. So I made you dinner and dessert and than I have some other things planned for after, that I want you to just roll with promise." She asked. "Whatever my baby wants." He says Kissing her deeply with his hand holding under her chin. "Sit baby before it gets cold." "This looks and smell great honey thank you." He said rubbing his hand on the back of hers. After enjoying good food and conversation. She took him by the hand and lead him to the bedroom walking with the petal trail.

She walked around and lit the candles, turning on some soft R&B music lowly in the room for back round noise. "Now I'm going to do something I need to know your comfortable with first." "L-l-like what?" He stuttered a little nervous. "I want to rub and massage your entire body, but I need you naked to do that." She said seductively running her hand on his chest an done arm wrapped around his neck. "Do you trust me enough to do that?" He gulped deeply taking a deep breath. "I trust you with everything in me, my body's yours to do as you please baby. Are you sure you ready to see all this." He asked nervous. "I've been dying to claim what's mine, all of it." She said making sure he knew it.

Jessie made sure to keep his eyes locked on hers as she undressed him. From taking off his shirt, to slowly coming down to her knees and unbuckling his belt, his pants, his socks and his underwear. Shocked at his size she took a deep breath. He was way bigger than she had thought or was used to. "Lay down on your belly baby." She said softly he did as he was asked. Still a little nervous. He turned his head ot look at her as he was laying on his belly. She kept eye contact with him to take each one of her straps from her pretty flowy dress and let it fall to the floor. Leaving her in black silky sexy dress that showed off her curves in all the right places. Smiling at him, as he tried to keep his eyes in his head and the drippin drool in his mouth he watched as she grabbed for the lotion bottle the pharmacist recommended for boxers skin.

She start at his feet with the touch of an angel he revealed and let himself give in to the relaxing feeling. Making her way up his calves, and thighs making sure to spend a good five minutes kneading them tenderly and with just the right amount of pressure making her way higher and higher. She made sure to work her through his bottom area and made sure to spend more time on his back and shoulders. Once she was done with the rubbing him down and getting the healthy lotion on him, she took one of the ice cubes next to the bed and took one and rubbed it slowly up and down his legs, butt, back, neck, and shoulders. It was a new sensation he never felt before. His muscsles tighten and relaxed at the same time. They felt better once she stopped.

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