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Heyyy I hope this chapter gets more readers bc I'm working really hard on it! You guys are gonna like this one hehe :P


I took a big bite of my bread, which tasted quite stale, absentmindedly listening to a story Jean was telling but not fully paying attention. My eyes were glued to the cafeteria door, darting between it and a very specific table from time to time. I could not stop thinking about Captain Levi after what he told me yesterday.

He made it clear that every punishment he gave me was for my own benefit, to ensure that I was a good and well-prepared cadet. This was the first normal conversation I had with him, although the circumstances were not ideal. I just wanted to see him again today, maybe even talk. What he had told me made me certain that there was a lot more to him than what he was letting show, and I just wanted to find out more. I had no idea why I couldn't keep him out of my mind.

"What you thinking about?" A hand brushed over my shoulders, making me jump and wake up out of this little trance. Eren took a seat at the table opposite me, with a cocky look on his face. "How hot and sexy I am?"

"You wish," I scoffed with a little laugh. "You know I prefer older guys."

I added a little wink at the end, the attention of the table now turning to us.

"I'm only a year younger than you, that's not even a big deal!" Eren whined, a pout forming on his bottom lip.

"A year and five months," I corrected, rolling my eyes at the boy. "And maybe I'll consider it if you get a better haircut."

"Wait, really?" Eren's face lit up, his blue eyes almost sparkling, completely disregarding the insult in the comment I made.


The others at the table all laughed, and Connie reached out to mess up Eren's hair while the boy himself pouted even more and tried to fight him off. Sasha then joined the table, with Mikasa right behind her carrying two cups of tea as she did every morning, passing one to me when she sat down. I gave her a smile as a sign of gratefulness.

"You don't have a chance Eren," Armin teased in a soft voice. "Not when Y/N is more interested in the likes of Captain Levi."

"What?" I shrieked a bit too loudly than I intended to, my hands instantly covering my mouth, cheeks turning bright red. "Where did you get that idea from?"

"You've been staring at his empty seat and the door for the last five minutes straight. It's obvious you're waiting for him to come in!"

I cursed Armin and how smart he was, that boy could flawlessly read any situation. This was a great skill of his which was helpful in many scenarios, but annoying when he used this power against you.

"I just need to talk to him about something," I dismissed, trying to play down the situation.

"I don't get why you would willingly choose to talk to him," chimed in Sasha with a mouthful of food. "After all these years, he still terrifies me. He's just really mean."

"And he fucked you up quite bad yesterday too," added Jean, the others nodding in agreement.

I said nothing, wanting the conversation to change to a different topic as I was still quite embarrassed that Armin figured out I had been staring. Soon the subject did indeed change and I carried on looking out at the noisy cafeteria, but trying to be less obvious about it.

Joining the cadets was one of the best decisions I had made and one of the main reasons for that were the people I met here. Jean was the only person I knew when I cane but he was kind enough to introduce me to all of his friends, who I had now become close with too. Mikasa and Sasha were definitely excited for another girl to be joining their group and they too were now some of my best friends. It was incredibly strange meeting Eren for the first time, as I was quite starstruck and expected him to be very serious, but quickly found out that he was exactly like every other 17 year old boy: immature and horny.

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