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"What?" I exclaimed and would have bolted to my feet instantly if I could. Instead, I was stuck sitting down, not enjoying the height difference between us here. "But... but yesterday you slept in my bed and told me everything about yourself, and the day before that you said you'd ask me to be your girlfriend."

Levi frowned and a guilty expression tormented his face as his eyebrows knitted together. I could not help the tears which were beginning to fill my eyes. After everything, he just wanted to end this?

"I'm sorry," he said quietly, his head hanging low and black hair covering his eyes. "I didn't mean to lead you on like that and I really am sorry, but that doesn't change the fact that we can't be together."

My mouth was slightly agape; I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Do you realise how unfair this is?" My voice was beginning to rise now. "You can't literally cuddle up to me in bed last night and talk about your deepest, darkest secrets then tell me you don't want me the next day. Here I thought you would be making it official with me today, after everything that's happened, but you want to break up instead. How the fuck am I supposed to feel now?"

The tears in the corners of my eyes were now beginning to spill slowly, but I was more angry than anything. Most of all, I was pissed off that Levi refused to even meet my eyes and was staring at the ground instead. He did not even reply to my words, he just stayed silent, so I carried on my rant.

"You can't just play with people's emotions like that. And you're acting so immature for someone your age! It's like you just can't communicate what's going on in your head, and you won't even fucking look at me while breaking up with me!"

My words made his eyes finally snap up to meet mine and they were filled with pure sadness and regret, but I did not care at this point. I was done with being treated like this.

"It's like you don't even know what you want from me. Or was everything just an act all along?" My voice was choked up now, its volume going down again. I could not possibly comprehend how the man could change his feelings towards me so quickly, and I guess I wanted some closure on that matter before he left for good. It felt like our connection had grown so strong and I needed to know whether this was all in my head.

"I do know what I want," Levi said quietly, biting down on his lip and taking a few steps further into the room. "I want us to be together."

My jaw dropped to the floor, and I felt the anger coming back to bubble inside of me. Here he goes again with this hot and cold bullshit and I could not take it anymore. My mouth opened and my hands tugged on the bedsheets below me, about to tell Levi to get out and start screaming at him, but his words silenced me.

"But I just can't be with you; I'm not strong enough."

I paused, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion now. "What do you mean? Why not?"

Levi released a long, heavy sigh and he slowly walked over, beginning to approach the bed and taking a seat on it but quite a distance away from me. He had such a lost look on his face, as if he was not fully present.

"Well, yesterday we just sat and talked for so long. I feel like I can be around you for hours and hours without ever getting bored. But, honestly, I'm just scared. I'm fucking terrified because I can tell my feelings towards you are getting stronger and I just can't handle it."

Levi looked over and I noticed tears forming in his grey eyes, making my face soften slightly. He held out his hand to me, but I just looked at it before gazing back at him and did not make a move. I could not just do whatever he wanted me to now; I could not give him that benefit after how he had been treating me. He sadly dropped his hand down and placed it back onto his lap.

Bad Girl [Levi Ackerman x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now