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An hour or so went by, but I had spent the majority of the day passed out so I was not tired at all even though it was dark, nearing midnight now. Sasha, Mikasa, Jean and Armin had stayed in my room while most others had gone to bed by now. They felt too bad to leave me by myself, especially wide awake and with nothing to do, so they stayed for a while longer. We were just chatting away, trying to forget about the previous traumatic events of the day. Levi was still nowhere to be found and my worry grew exponentially. I really hoped he had not gone out and done anything stupid.

Sasha had offered to stay the night in this room as well, as there were two beds so she could take the other, and I gratefully agreed for the time being if I had had to be alone tonight. I really needed the company if Levi did not come back. The girl was now sat in the bed next to me, as we were perched up against the side wall, and held my hand reassuringly. She could tell that I was very stressed, everyone here could. That is, until a booming voice could be heard somewhere from outside of the door, taking no care of how late at night it was.

"Where the fuck is she?"

My friends and I all gazed between each other, exchanging a confused look. My ears perked up at the familiar sound.

"She's in there, but wait! Calm down," the exasperated voice of Hange could be heard as two pairs of footsteps approached the door to the room quickly. All of our eyes snapped to the door as it burst open with Levi on the other side and the Commander close behind him. My face instantly lit up at the sight of the man. His messy hair was falling into his face and he was still wearing his scout uniform, although a lot of it was still covered in presumably titan blood, and he was sweating as if he had ran here, with Hange panting behind him too. But my relief died down quickly when I realized the kind of look he was giving me. The man glared with anger and hatred and I quickly glanced away.

Levi marched over to the bed, completely ignoring all of my friends who had gathered around me, shoving past them, and, before I could protest, he grabbed a hold of each of my upper arms with his hands and squeezed down on them. I yelped from the pain but not before the man started violently shaking my body as he stood before me, glaring deep into my eyes.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" He screamed angrily directly into my face and I flinched back, furrowing my eyebrows at his words.

"Levi, stop it!" Hange's mouth fell open as she gazed at the scene from the doorway. "She didn't do anything."

"Didn't do anything?" He glanced over to her for a moment before his scary, cold gaze returned to me, burning holes straight through my head. "Yeah, she definitely didn't do shit if she got herself like this. Why didn't you use the fucking flare gun? Is it really that difficult for you? I gave it to you for a reason!"

He was still shouting so loudly, making my bottom lip tremble as he squeezed my arms even harder. Levi was truly pissed off and tears began prickling the corners of my eyes. All of my friends looked very uncomfortable but I could see Jean eyeing up the situation, getting ready to step in if things got out of hand. I had not seen this side of Levi in so long, it was the part of him that terrified me.

"I tried, but so much stuff happened. You know that it broke! It ended up getting stepped on by a titan just when I was about to use it. I know I could have done more and tried harder but I panicked, okay? I had just watched my whole squad get eaten right in front of me!" I wailed in protest, a few tears now slipping from my eyes but it did not seem like the man before me cared, my words only fuelled him more.

"Who gives a fuck? So have the rest of us, hundreds of times, but we don't panic and get ourselves nearly killed. Why the fuck are you even a scout if you can't handle this shit?" He pulled away and ran a hand through his jet black hair, pushing it out of his eyes as he released a long, shaky breath. "You don't even know what could have happened, I was so close to just- ...fuck. You're a useless bitch, you know, you should have tried harder."

Bad Girl [Levi Ackerman x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now