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Hey guys, hope you're liking the story! I really like where this is going and, if you can't already tell, this is going to be quite a slow-building relationship since the characters kinda have a love-hate relationship, but you'll see quite a bit more action in this chapter ;) 

Also, I would really appreciate it if anyone who is liking this story so far could give it a shoutout or something :) 



I pulled the long overcoat tighter around myself as I passed the cafeteria building on my way to Captain Levi's office. I did not want anyone to see what I was wearing through the windows, as they were all in there waiting for dinner to be served. It was annoying that the captain made me go to his at 6 pm, as it meant that I missed the meal, so I had to ask Jean to grab me a plate so that I could eat it later, even if it was cold.

This felt like a walk of shame, which was why I tried to cover myself as much as possible, but I felt better as soon as I entered the staff building and could not be seen by anyone. I took smaller steps as I approached Levi's door, as I wanted to put this off as much as possible, but I knew I could not take too long since he would kill me if I was late.

When I approached the correct door, I gave it two loud knocks and a voice from the inside told me to come in. So he could hear knocking on this door after all.

I slowly entered the dim room and got a good look at it for the first time. It was large with grand bookshelves lining most of the walls, filled to the brim. The floor was cold and made of pale stone, as were the walls themselves. Two sizeable windows were on the other side of the room, letting in some of the evening light. However, there were two features in this room that caught my attention the most: a substantial painting of Commander Erwin hanging proudly next to another door, and a huge desk that stood in the centre of the room with two chairs on either side, Captain Levi sitting still with his dark hair covering his eyes, facing me. I gulped, not knowing what to expect.

"Sit," said the captain, and I slowly obeyed, closing the door behind me.

As I took a seat, Levi finally looked up at me. His face was shadowed as the only light in the room came from outside of the windows, but it was beginning to get dark. I could still see his whole face though and I could tell that he was staring at me with amusement in his eyes.

"You wore the dress I dropped off, I see," he smirked. "Come on, get your jacket off, give me a spin."

I paused for a second, wondering if he was serious or if he would laugh at me as soon as I made a move. An expectant expression was on his face though, so I steadily did as he asked. The dress was very nice, it was black and white with many frills and layers, but I would never wear anything like this unless I was going to a party or wanted to impress someone, considering how short it was and how low the neckline dipped. I did not want to be Levi's plaything, but I knew that he had authority over me so I did as he asked, getting to my feet and spinning around quite awkwardly so that the multiple sheets of the skirt rose up slightly. Obviously, I would not let him do whatever he wanted as I had my limits and, even under the threat of being kicked out of the scouts, I would not go outside of my comfort zone just to please him.

"You look like a whore," said the captain bluntly, as he looked me up and down.

"What do you mean? You literally gave this to m-" I began to argue.

"But you look nice," he cut me off, his mischievous smile growing wider. His words made me shut up instantly and a slight red tint blessed my cheeks. "It's perfect for the task I have for you. As punishment for talking back to your superior, you're going to clean my office."

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