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Only a few more chapters left :3 and a new cover


I placed my finger on the trigger of my 3DM gear, pressing down on it and hearing the gas escape its compressed compartment. My body was flung in the direction of one of the trees in this broad forest, but this time I was prepared and landed with my feet against the trunk, the strong wire holding me in place sideways as the force left me slightly winded. I was quick to regain my composure and fire out both of my hooks to two different trees, the gas pushing me forward in a straight line in the direction of a large cardboard titan model. Changing my movements by firing another hook and maneuvering slightly in a rounded way, I sliced off the nape of the faux titan, my blades gliding through it like air.

When the last of the training dummies was down, I gracefully landed on the ground, crossing my arms to place my swords into their holders, the few friends of mine who had been observing my practice beginning to clap and hoot for me. I rolled my eyes and bowed sarcastically. I approached the group sitting on the grass in a circle, as I was the last one of us to have a go at the training out of us, while some of the other cadets were still finishing up.

"Y/N, that was so good! You've improved so much," said Mikasa encouragingly, to which I flashed her a warm smile. My skills were nothing compared to hers, but at least I was more confident with the 3DM gear now. That had been my only weakness up until this point, and now I had mostly overcome it despite a couple of faults. I felt truly ready for tomorrow's mission.

"Come, sit," Sasha said, shuffling to the side and leaving a space between her and Connie for me.

"That's alright, I think I'll stand," I laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of my head as I approached the spot but stayed on my feet.

"What? Don't be stupid, sit," Sasha said sternly and, before I could stop her, the girl grabbed my hand and yanked me down onto the ground harshly, making me land on my butt and my metal gear cluttering around me.

"Ow!" I screamed out, quite loudly, clutching between my legs with both my hands, the area very sore from the previous night.

Levi and I had had sex a few times already and one of those times happened yesterday. He still claimed that he was going easy on me but I simply could not understand how that was possible, as I could barely move straight after every single time and sitting was always a struggle the next day. He was just always so incredibly rough the whole time, it was like he enjoyed seeing me in pain when he went too hard and it only made him go harder. My screaming and pleading for him to be more gentle only seemed to fuel him more. It did get quite overwhelming at times, so I suggested we develop a sort of safeword system for when I genuinely could not handle it, and we agreed to decide on it before the next time we fucked.

"Fun night?" Connie wiggled his eyebrows and nudged my side playfully, to which I rolled my eyes.

"N-no, I just fell over," I blushed hard and lowered my eyes to the grass below me. My cheeks turned bright red, as I had not really discussed this with my friends yet. After all, they did not need to know absolutely everything about my relationship, and especially not my sex life. Some of the things Levi and I got up to would be way too embarrassing to talk about anyway.

"Really? Then what's this?" Connie teased, pointing to a spot on the side of my neck where I recalled Levi gave me a large hickey.

"And this?" Jean reached out and grasped my hand in his, holding out my arm and motioning to all the marks left by Levi's belt around my wrists, which could be seen since my sleeves were rolled up. I quickly snatched my arm back.

Bad Girl [Levi Ackerman x Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя