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Xander's POV

"You're doing great, baby," I whispered to her. I could hear her breath hitch in her throat as I pulled away from her. I hadn't know before that Harley was so ticklish. I'd never been blessed enough to really  touch her so it only made sense that I had no idea but when I noticed her face practically turn purple when my hand rested lazily on above her thick hip bone, it made my want to fucking smile. Of course she was ticklish. Everything about her was so seamlessly perfect. She had everything I needed right now and wanted. A shiver ran through my body as I recalled how sexy she looked, taking control of the situation. I'd wanted to devour her since we left the house. Since we've walked through the door, Harley has been saving our asses. Because of her genuineness, Huncho hasn't even batted an eye at us. God knows I didn't know how to be friendly. With my men, attitude, and mannerism, Huncho's guards would've suspected something by now. But because of Harley's willingness to not make the people around her feel bad, she's made the ending very clear and direct. Harley didn't have to act to get the job done; she just had to be her beautiful self. Surely she doesn't even realize it.

I observed her retreating body, memorizing her movements. Huncho was now down two guards, leaving five lingering behind him. My men alone could take out Huncho and his guards right now, but it'd be too messy. The plan from the beginning was to immediately get Huncho alone in his office anyways. Only I had no intention of embarking on a tour around this shithole. Fortunately, it worked in our favor. Henry and Emilio sent a small nod towards me, showing they understood what to do next.

"You are a lucky man, Mr.Boyd." he's leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Thank you. I am well aware." I focus on him—dirty prick.

"So tell me, What led to your spontaneous trip to India? You mentioned your business? Perhaps I could help." I grinned. Harley wasn't the only one that noticed Huncho's discontent with business.

"That's very kind of you; however, the issue has been solved." He started, "I'm a hard-working man, Mr.Boyd. I'd do whatever it takes to be successful." I didn't doubt it seeming as his hunger to be powerful and untouchable has led us here.

"Likewise." I agreed. "What was business like before?"

"Man to man, it was slow back then. I was struggling to keep my father's legacy alive all because of one gluttonous blood-sucking bastard. He's consumed everything, leaving nothing but bones for the rest of us." My cheekbones ached as I tried to suck in the smile, fighting to be plastered on my face. I wanted to slit his throat as he spoke, but I couldn't. Not yet. Huncho had more than enough opportunity to have a successful cartel. His father built his way up, all by himself; as soon as Huncho gained control, he crashed his father's business into the ground. He is the same reckless kid that fucked up his father's work.

"That bad?" I chuckled. I made it a point not to pay attention to other cartels, especially Huncho, but it's hard to ignore how insignificant Huncho's business is. My men never have run-ins with Huncho's men. His product was sold cheaper and slower; he was like the off-brand fruit loops that no kids want to eat because they are named fruit rounds.

"You ever played monopoly?"

"Of course." I chuckled humorlessly, crossing my arms over my chest now.

"Well. This bastard owns red, orange, dark blue, green, purple, yellow, light blue, the whole fucking board, except for those two shitty brown properties. That's what I was left with." He explained. I knew my men had to be having fighting to try and swallow their laughs.

"Sir, If you don't mind, we would like to check on Ms. Gianna," Henry interrupted.

"I'm sure she is fine," I replied. I had to appear less content about the idea.

Stolen Love (A Cartel Romance)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant