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Xander's POV

She was gone, just like that. I had her in my arms. Her skin was pressed against mine. Our lips embraced each other. Her eyes softened just looking at me and mine to her. She was everything I wanted. Everything I needed. And she was gone. She only trusted Henry to take her.

And I couldn't blame anyone but myself. I was the one that lied, kept it from her, made her work for me, took her from her family, tried to kill her best friend. She knows I would've done it.

I was at fault for it all. But my anger didn't want to admit it.

My eyes panned down to the floor. Blue. A blue pair of knitted socks laid on the burgundy carpet in front of my office door. I walked stiffly like if I made any unthought movement, I'd crack. I bent down, picking them up in my large hands. They were the brightest shade of blue I'd ever seen—the type of blue that counted. The type of blue Harley knew I'd like. Something so small sent a sharp pain through my spine and up to my brain.

I'll kill them all.

My throat burned raw from screaming. My fist flew into everything I could get my hands on. My desk flew from its original spot and cracked against the wall. None of it matters. Not right now. Not without her.

I marched out of the office down the hall. All the noise I could make came with me. Brooke and Rachel ran out of Harley's room with wide eyes.

"Is everything okay? W-where is Harley?" Rachel asked.

"She's gone." I didn't pause to look at their reactions.

"But she said she was going to bring you something-" Rachel looked around as if Harley would appear out of thin air.

"D-did you hurt her?" Brooke asked.

Hurt her? I did more than hurt her. However, I knew that's not what she meant.

"No," I said. "I let her go."

I had nothing left in besides burning rage. Without explaining anything else, I picked up my pace down the stairs.  I was going to find out who talk to Harley. The only people who knew the truth behind Harley's kidnapping were Henry, Felipe, and the Sanchez brothers.  Knowingly, they had no reason to tell Harley. They knew better than to mention anything to her. Most importantly, they would never cross me. My father couldn't have reached the estate so fast. Every voice inside me was screaming for me to tell her the second I arrived. But the second I saw her face, her tears, and screams. I couldn't tell her at that moment. Then I felt her body against mine, and her hands on my skin, her sweet tasting mouth, and her thickness against me. I felt like I could melt at the sensation. Everything got out of hand. I planned to tell her everything, explain everything. It made my blood boil to think someone took it upon themselves to purposely maim our relationship--Evan. My thoughts, as well as my movements, halted. Evan knew.

Just as I picked my head up, Henry, Felipe, and the rest of the guy waltz into the meeting area. I was on the last step before my foot hit the marble ground. With caution, everyone walked towards me silently. They knew.

"Is she safe?" I broke the silence and looked at Henry.

"Yes, sir, She's at the safehouse." he crossed his hands behind his back. "Although she put up a fight-almost gauged my eye out when she saw you moved her family away."

"Of course she did." I ran my hand through my hair. It wouldn't be right if she didn't. I had our estate relator find a house for Harley and her family. Daniel knew her location before, and more importantly, he had influences on police officers in her area and undoubtedly was going to fire her father soon. I didn't want her to be watching over her back, and I wanted to know where she was at all times.

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