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Harley's POV

"You can open your eyes, Harley." Sir said, gripping my side tightly. I was almost completely bridal style in his arms. With slight hesitation, I slowly lifted my eyelids after hearing his voice. The position I was in was awkward, to say the least; however, it felt anything but.

"I-I'm so sorry, sir." I stuttered out, trying to push myself out of his arms. However, as I tried to place my feet on the floor, I stumbled backward, not realizing how far I was from the ground. He again instantly captured me by my waist before I could face plant on the floor.

"For god's sake, Harley. Watch what you're doing." He growled--but not in a scary way-- lowering me to the ground safely in front of him. "If you needed help, you should've asked." He said, allowing his eyes to move up and down the length of my body. Him looking at me like that made me feel so self-conscious even though I know it wasn't intentional. I had to wear these awful clothes all the time, and they were worse than my usual clothes—which is saying something. I might be a layman when it comes to fashion, but I knew I looked awful.

"I k-know, sorry." My mouth moved before I could even think. He eyed my face for a second, then turned his attention to the bags. I took that as an opportunity to move away from him carefully as the closeness of our body was making me sweat.  It didn't matter in the end because he moved closer to me only to reach over me and effortlessly grab the bag I meant to get. His body towered over mine easily, and I could feel his minty breath hitting my face as he extended over me. I'm sure there were sweat stains under my armpits by now. Not to mention how fast and hard my heart was beating. Without a word, he moved out of the closet and placed the bag on the bed, and zipped it open. I followed after him carefully, not to anger him more than I already had. I planned to fly under the radar until my mother's debts are paid off, and I'm going to keep trying to do that. I've already fucked up, but I won't let it happen again.

"All the fucking bags here, and you had to choose the one on the very top." He said after entering the closet.

"S-Sorry again, sir." I clenched my teeth from the embarrassment.  "I-it was the cutest one,"  I said just above a whisper, hoping he didn't hear my ridiculous reasoning. He paused for a short second and looked at me. I guess he did hear me because his face showed the slightest bit of amusement, but it was gone in a second. After a moment, he continued to the closet to pick up a suit from the racks I examined earlier.

"I-I can do it." I inserted myself in front of him slowly and took the suit from his hands gently.  He paused for a moment and looked down into my eye. Again it felt like his eyes were burning into my skull. "I'll do it quickly. I swear. " I said, staring back into his eyes, trying to look and sound as confident as possible. It was a bold move, but hopefully, it won't get me killed.

"Fine." He breathed out. "Do it, quickly. I have to leave in 20 minutes. Once you're done, meet me downstairs." he said, giving me the suit, and began walking towards the exit of the room.

"Y-yes, sir," I said, nodding my head even though he had already turned around. "And thanks for catching me," I called after him boldly. I didn't actually expect him to acknowledge what it. He stopped dead in his tracks while his hand was on the knob to leave out the door and turned to look at me.

"You're very welcome," he said, completely emotionless. He then left without another word, leaving me in this giant--yet suffocating-- room all alone. When he was out of sight, I quickly began packing his bag once again. I neatly folded his button-up shirts and slipped them in the bag along with his jacket. Even his undergarments were ridiculously expensive. I stuffed his Dior socks and Calvin Klein boxer briefs into the bag with a bit more speed. I felt wrong just touching them, and I felt even more wrong because I was picturing him with them on. I didn't expect him to be a briefs kind of guy. Once I was done packing, I immediately went downstairs with the bag in hand as sir had instructed.  I was almost fully running down the halls and the steps.

Stolen Love (A Cartel Romance)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon