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Harley's POV

He did it again. One second he is weirdly affectionate towards me, then like a switch goes off in his head, he is back to his cold self. It was so frustrating to deal with.

"If you don't stop fidgeting, I'm going to make you sleep with Brooke." Rachel hissed under me.

"Sorry," I whisper yelled.

"What's wrong? You seem anxious." Rachel whispered back. It was close to 1 am now, and yet none of us could go to sleep.

"It's nothing," I answered.

"Just tell me!" Rachel got up from her bed and began yanking at my arm that was hanging over the railing. "And don't even think about saying nothing because I'll kill you."

"All right." I huffed out.

"I might as well get up too." Brooke got up and turned on the room light. "Talk to us, little bit."

"I don't know how to say this." I started. I didn't even know why I was talking about it. I was making up stuff in my head, so it wasn't an exact topic to talk about. I also wasn't sure I could talk about the mission tomorrow. A task I had no idea would end in murder. I never think things out all the way I live in the moment, and at that moment, I was too cocky and volunteered to go on a murder mission with a stony hot-headed man. I have to keep telling myself I was doing this for a reason. For Avery.

"Your thinking about the boss, right?" Rachel deadpanned.

"How'd you know?" I whipped my head to her.

"It's obvious." Rachel shrugged.

"Oh my gosh. What about him? Is he making you want to pull your hair out?" Brooke asked.

"No, not exactly. I just can't read him." I shrugged

"Isn't that a good thing? He does run a cartel." Brooke asked before downing a bottle of water.

"No, I mean, he does things out of the ordinary, then he just switches to being his usual self." I was already saying too much.

"What type of things?" Rachel asked.

"Sometimes, he is friendly and kind to me. He has manners, and it seems like he cares for me at times." I started. "I can feel him open up for a couple of seconds, but then he reverts to his raw self."

"It's strange to hear that the boss even has a soft side." Rachel said.

"Same. He was such a hardass. Picturing him acting nice to someone is difficult." Brooke added.

"He's different now. And I think it's because of you." Rachel looked with a stern look on her face.

"Makes sense." Brooke shrugged.

"How so?" I asked.

"Well, for starters." Brooke paused. "The boss never had an assistant before you came. It was never a position, nor was it ever occupied by anyone."

I gave her a puzzled look as she spoke. I remember the first week I was here; the boss told me his other assistant "didn't work out." Did he lie?

"but that's not what-" I started, but Rachel interrupted.

"Yeah, he probably told you something else though I'm sure he meant no harm by it. However, it never existed. He did have a personal maid, but all they did was bring him meals and drinks. They were never involved in cartel business, kinda like us." Rachel finished. Why would he lie about something so small?

"So maybe you changed him in other ways too." Brooke yawned.

"Yeah, maybe." I gazed off to nothing.

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