Chapter 11

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-During this time, with Nightmare and his gang in the other Multiverse-

Saying that Nightmare was devastated was an understatement. He and his family lost Error a couple days ago, and they couldn't get over it. One would expect to see they crying and being depressed, and they were the first day, but their sadness was soon overcome with rage when they realized why Ink wasn't already creating and slowly destroying their Multiverse; that bastard dared to throw a party in honor of the Destroyer's death!

They learned that because Cross went to spy on them while they were preparing to make them pay, probably by crashing a meeting or something equally useless. When he came back infuriated, they knew something was up. As much as Cross was one of the most childish sometimes, he was also one of the calmer member of the gang, and even if his emotions were all over the place since Error was pushed, seeing him so angry could only prove that something was up with the so called 'Heroes' of the Multiverse.

When they learned of the party, they all went haywire, destroying everything in their path, before tiring up and sitting down, tears cascading their faces. Cross mentioned that everyone seemed more afraid of Ink since the ambush, but that was to be expected since the soulless bastard finally showed his true colors.

Blue was the one to suggest what they all thought about; crashing this damn party and killing as many Blind Judges as they could to avenge their friend. Who cared if they were Originals or not, their friend was gone because of them! The only person who was holding them back from killing everything and everyone on sight was not here anymore, and it was all their fault!

Now, if they were knew as the 'Bad Guys' of the Multiverse before, they were now going to show them how real bad guys act. They didn't even care if they died in the battle; they were all doomed the moment Error fell into the Void. If they were going to die, they'll die like the demons everyone thought they were. If they thought that getting rid of Error would assure them 'peace', they were even more stupid than what Nightmare's gang originally thought. And they didn't have much hope for those Blind Judges, unlike Error who still hoped for them to see the truth.

And like that, they gathered information on this party, learning it was being held in a special AU made specifically for the occasion. It was the only AU that had been made since Error's death, since Ink was too occupied by organizing his cursed party. Not that they cared, their Multiverse was going to collapse soon anyway. Everyone knew about Ink's creating sprees. They wouldn't last long without Error. Actually, that managed to make them smile a little. They couldn't wait to see everyone's face when the AUs would start collapsing with each others, even if, knowing Ink and his army, they would probably blame Nightmare, even though they all knew he couldn't destroy universes.

They trained hard, knowing that all the Judges of this damn Multiverse would probably attend the event. They warned the Charas and their equivalents, who were on full Genocides Runs, and if not, they were attempting to kill the Judges, not caring about the Run they were in. The Toriel stopped playing their roles and answering the Ruins' door, being also close to Error, even if no one knew that beside Nightmare's gang. The First Fallen Humans all wanted to join the 'party', and they couldn't refuse them that. The more, the merrier, as they say. The Toriels where also coming –or rather they forced themselves on Nightmare, who didn't want to face a bunch of angry goat mothers. Did they all adopt his dear brother without anyone knowing?–, some to fight, and others to heal the gang if they were to get injured, which was nice, really. Nightmare felt that they would need it. Truly, this fight would go down in the Multiverse's history.

They were ready to crash that stupid party, they just needed to wait now, since the party would take place later that day. They were now sharpening their weapons for the ones with physical weapons –like Horror's axe or Killer's knives– while talking about who they wanted to kill –Blue was very adamant on taking care of Stretch, unsurprisingly–, when suddenly, a colorful portal appeared, and a skeleton they knew all too well came skating out.

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