Chapter 25

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It didn't take long for the little family to reach the Nice Cream Guy's cart. The blue bunny was smiling happily, discussing with his last customer, who seemed just as happy, making Torment grumble something about sickening positivity. Nothing unusual, of course, as he always did that when there was a bit too much positivity around him.

Once the blue bunny noticed them, he smiled and waved happily, making them return the gesture and come closer. "Hello young ones! What brings you here today?"

Drako and Torment both cringed at this greeting, wishing internally to slam their head in a wall for all the times they had been and will be called 'young' by everyone they met or will meet in this Multiverse. They were eons old Gods for Toby Fox's sake, people needed to stop calling them like that! It was really insulting!

Sighing, they both offered the poor man a smile. He didn't know, it wasn't his fault, and he wouldn't understand if they started slamming their heads in exasperation. "Hello, sir. We would like to buy some Nice Creams, please."

The man seemed surprised by Torment's deep voice but smiled either way. "Sure thing, what flavor?" Torment turned to look at Drako and Blade, who offered him a deadpan expression. He rolled his eye and looked at Demise, who shrugged. "There's no coffee flavor, I guess?"

Torment just imitated Drako and Blade's expression, making Demise giggle. "Hey, I was just asking! I'll take the mint chocolate chip's one." Torment hummed before nodding. "Two chocolate ones, a mint chocolate chip and a apple please." Torment pretended not to hear his brothers laugh at the flavor that he chose.

The bunny looked at them curiously, raising a brow questioningly. "Four Nice Creams? But you are only two...?" Drako gestured toward Demise and Blade. "FoUr. We ARe FoUR." He jumped at Drako's voice, making the glitchy skeleton giggle. He looked at the two teenagers strangely. "I'm not sure that it's healthy to give Nice Cream to your pets...?"

Demise and Blade both hissed in response, glaring at the blue bunny, who started to sweat a little at the death glares he was getting from the two unknown creatures. "Do not worry, they can eat it. Plus, it is Monster Food, which means it will fill their magic back, and heal them if necessary... Which is not the case anyway. I don't see the problem."

He had a point; unlike Human's food, Monster Food was way better for the health. Even Grillby's food was good enough. Granted, it was not the healthiest, but it was way better than what some Humans could eat. The blue bunny sighed and nodded, turning toward his freezer and taking out four identical Nice Creams, handing them toward the children and their pets directly. He probably shouldn't complain; the fact that they bought more Nice Creams meant that he would gain more money, technically. Even if he didn't really care about money; he already had enough with his usual sales. It was something about Outertale's Nice Creams; they all looked the same, having a galaxy themed color, but the flavor could change to fit the customer's liking.

"It will be..." He paused, looking at the teenagers and smiling. "Thirty G." Drako tilted his head to the side. "IsN't It SuPpoSeD tO Be SiXtY G?"

The blue bunny placed his finger in front of his lips in a shushing motion, winking at the teenagers who smiled in response, silently thanking the adult. They didn't know why he chose to make them pay less, but they didn't really care honestly. Torment payed for the Nice Creams and they went away, not before thanking the man and bidding him a good day, which he happily returned with a small wave of his hand, his long ears flapping gently on his head.

They happily walked while eating their Nice Creams. Blade and Demise using their magic to hold them while Drako and Torment just used their hands, since they didn't need to use magic unlike those two. They were watching the sky with a smile on their faces while doing so.

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