Chapter 44

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Did they think that the ten minutes wait was awkward? They take it back, this was even worse. Way worse. They all wanted to bury themselves and never see the light of day ever again... Which, technically, they could do just by going into a random Underground.

What was happening, you may ask? Oh, nothing too bad, really; they were just all staring awkwardly at each others, not knowing what to say and waiting for the other group to start a conversation. Which, once again, was extremely awkward.

Vibrant sighed and broke the silence, not liking at all how he was feeling right now. "So, 'm guessin' dat you have some radical questions or somethin'?" Nightmare perked up, as if he just got snapped out of his trance. "Oh, yes, right. May we know which AU you are from?" He already knew the answer that he would get, but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

"Oh, sure! Our rad AU's name is hmpf-!" Drako and Torment both slapped one of their hands on Vibrant's mouth, silently glaring at him. His glasses' message changed to show multiple exclamation marks, his eyes widening behind them. He forgot that they weren't supposed to give too many information. Oops. "Sorry, but no. We don't want to bring anyone to our AU for now. Too many risks of our family and friends getting hurt, that we'd rather not take."

Dust rolled his eyes, huffing in annoyance. Truth to be told, he was really curious and wanted to see how their AU looked like. He guessed that it looked like a Swap Universe, since they mentioned that Muffet owned a café, but at the same time he wasn't sure. "Your family can protect themselves, no?" They looked at Dust with a deadpan expression. "OuR SaNs Is SEveN AnD OuR PapYRuS Is FiVE. So, nO, ThEY CaN'T PrOtECT ThEMSelVES. DaD PrObABlY CaN ThOUgH. BuT AnYWaY, YoU WOuLDn'T bE AbLE To GO In OuR AU, ThE CoDES aRen'T ReADY To WElCOMe MuLtIVeRSaL tRavElERs. We WOuLd NeED To BrIng YoU WItH uS fOr YoU To Go IN." Or to add their codes to the AU's codes, as they did for Vibrant to make him able to portal in and out of Dragontale. But it would connect them to their AU, which was something that they couldn't do, as they were already connected to their own AUs –or what was left of them–. None of them noticed how Error frowned after what Drako said, but the glitchy skeleton did and made a mental note to ask a question later.

Dust grimaced when Drako said how old the two youngest were. Alright, maybe it was best to protect their AU, just for those two. "And you three can't protect them?" The brothers scoffed at this question. "Duh! Of course we can! They're like super safe with our radical selves!" Dust raised a brow. "Well then, we can come." They shook their head. "No. Our universe isn't ready for travelers."

"Are you scared that we would hurt your brothers?" Drako chuckled while Torment shook his head with an amused smile. "Oh, TrUsT Me, YoU DoN'T evEN WaNna TrY~" Torment nodded in agreement. "The last person who tried to hurt a member of our family... Hehe, let's just say that they won't be able to try again~" The gang shuddered at the dark glint in the brothers' eyes. What they were implying was very clear for them. Any normal person would scream once they understood that the brothers killed someone.

"I'm so proud of you!!" Killer got up and rush at them so he could hug them, surprising the teenagers, who chuckled once the surprise had faded, hugging back the forever crying adult. "How did you kill them?! Tell me everything!! I wanna know!"

... But they were definitively not normal. They all started to smile proudly at the mention of the murders, which honestly didn't surprise the brothers that much. Their own gang would have reacted the same way after all.

And thus, they started explaining what happened, omitting a lot of details, like Drako being able to change into a dragon or Torment feeling the baby dragons' emotions to guide them. Instead, they said that the shed wasn't far from where they were at the moment and that they easily found it. Then came the very detailed description, which was accompanied by proud noises coming from the gang. Mostly Killer, Error and Nightmare though. The two last being extremely proud of their mini selves. Probably more than they should be... Oh well, they had all the reasons in the Multiverse to be proud; their mini selves were good older brothers and could kick asses.

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