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"Meow." Zana was stretching on the bed; she was trying not to wake her master up but he was waking up anyway.

"Meow." She nudged his hand and jumped off the bed to drink from the bowl on the floor.

"Morning girl." She swished her tail at him and drunk delicately from the bowl. She then meowed once more and padded off in the direction of the matron's office. Both matron and Cat came out.

"Someone tells me you're up."

"Morning ma'am." Harry had to look away; he couldn't face her after the night before.

"Feel better." He felt a strange tension lying on the surface of his skin; prickling of an old spell.

He knew the matron had tested him with a spell but couldn't care at that moment. "Yeah I'm calmer now."

"Yes, Dreamless sleep had a calming draught in it."

"Oh I see." Harry nodded; and though he didn't care, he did wonder what she had found. Harm that had befallen his body or the pain that tormented his mind. Maybe she had searched for both.

"I'll have your breakfast sent up." Madam Pomphrey told him. "I expect you to stay here whilst I go and find Professor McGonagall."

"Yes Ma'am."

Harry nodded and sat patiently to eat his breakfast; strangely the ward was completely deserted besides himself and Zana. There was usally at least one sick person in the ward; Harry supposed that person was himself. He fed his familiar carefully; drawing out the processes as he waited.

Professor McGonagall came in to sit beside Harry. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm not ill professor."

"Of course; force of habit I suppose." She gave him a week smile. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes thank you."

"I was talking to Professor Snape and The headmaster. We are bringing your- Gran in for the meeting." She glanced away from the boy and back again. "I need to make sure you're prepared. Your aunt and uncle may potentially be tried at the Wizengamot."

"I would have to speak."


"Okay." Harry voice was obviously quiet. "Has anyone been told?"

"We've made inquiries in the ministry but your name was not mentioned. No other teachers have been informed."

"Okay… I don't want people to pity me Professor."

"I understand Harry." She nodded and stood back up. "You are to go to your lessons today Harry and then your Gran will be here at eleven o'clock tomorrow. So I guess you'll want to catch the snitch quickly yeah." The professor actually gave him a wink.

"Yes professor." He smiled back.

"Alright then, finish your breakfast and head off to class. I suppose your friends will be worried."

Harry walked into class a little late -the medical wing was pretty far from the dungeons- Professor Snape turned to him as he did.

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