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"Morning Harry." Harry nodded at the third year boy; many of the first years were up as well. Ginny was there and so were a dozen or so first year muggleborns.

People seemed to find their own ways of stretching these days. Or they would just copy someone who looked as if they knew what they were doing. Harry was ever so surprised when he saw that Fred and George were genuinely helping younger students.

The first years were pretty much the first to drop off to sit down. Ginny lasted longer than most; Still dropping off quite early. Luna was one of the first to give up; she sat humming.

There was always a huge feeling of comradery in the mornings like this. Older students pushing the younger ones to do their best; younger students mocking older ones when they passed them. Challenges games and running round in circles. The group consisted of the entire Gryffindor house; the entire Hufflepuff house; Half of the Ravenclaws and two Slytherins.

The Slytherins were brothers; Half-bloods. Their father was in the muggle army and they felt as if this gave them a connection to him. They ignored everyone else; focusing only on the run.

This was where Harry and his friends were hand picking people for the Defence And Combat Club. Most people chosen were Gryffindores for now; with some Hufflepuffs. Of course Luna would be there as well.

Harry decided avoiding Colin and Lockhart was for the best. Not that Harry didn't like Colin; he was just a bit over excitable. He loved his father's map; it made it ever so easy.

Harry rolled his eyes when Lockhart entered the classroom. He chose to answer all the questions as absurdly as possible. Harry ignored the man until he opened the cage of pixies.

The Professor tried to regain order but lost his wand. When the professor couldn't stop the pixies people began screaming.

"Of for god sake." Harry calmly stood up held up his wand. "Immobulus."

Hermione stood beside him. "Subvolo." The pixies began flying into their cage.

"Occlude." Harry locked the cage and glared at the professor.

"Oh well done Mr Potter, Miss Granger. Of course I could have done that. I just wanted to see how well you could perform under pressure."

"Well professor I can always unlock the cage. I'm sure everyone would love to see you in action."

"I would; obviously however we are nearly out of time."

"Fraud." Harry muttered as they left the classroom.

"Nice one with the pixies Harry." Fay commented as the other Gryffindor's walked past.

One time it was completely impossible to avoid Colin was on the morning runs. However, Harry had a brilliant plan to escape being in an embarrassing photograph.

"Harry can I have a picture?" Colin asked; they were in the common room heading out.

"Fine but only one." Colin smiled. "Come on Guys." Harry pulled as many of his running group into the picture frame as possible. Zana jumped into Harrys arms wanting a piece of the attention. They all smiled into the camera and Colin reluctantly snapped the picture.

"Right let's go." Draco pulled on Harrys t-shirt.

"Colin if you come you're going to have to leave your camera here; don't want it broken." Harry smiled kindly at the younger boy before he followed his friends down.

At breakfast that morning a set of owls came to deliver a parade of parcels to Harry. Flourish and Blotts wasted no time; He had only sent Keres to order the books yesterday morning.

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