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Harry never bothered to write a report on Werewolves. It confused Harry when Hermione listened to him; not so much when Ron and Draco did. They were relieved when they got into Lupins class and didn't have to do the report.

"Hey Uncle Remus."

"Hey Harry. What do you children need?" Lupin smiled; he looked healthier than Harry had ever seen him.

"I want to talk to you about the dog."

"Oh of course… are you all coming?" Harry looked across all the four children.

"Yeah, they know everything."

"Right, come on to my office." Remus led them up the small set of stairs to the room. Padfoot was sitting near the fire. He was eating a full cooked meal from a dog bowl on the floor.

Harry laughed at the sight. Padfoot turned and wagged his tail.

"Sirius, Harry and his friends are here to talk to you." When Harry nodded Padfoot tuned into Sirius.

He lifted his dinner from the floor and placed it on the corner of the table. "I hope you don't mind me finishing my lunch."

Sirius looked a lot better now. He was clean and his hair was shorter. He was still dressed in Harrys clothes- the ones that have been grown. Being able to live with Remus was doing wonders for him; for them both it seemed.

"I'm here to talk to you about clearing your name." Harry sat down. "Sirius this is Hermione, Ron and Draco."

"Pleasure." Sirius shook all of their hands. "I've heard a lot about all of you. Thank you so much for looking after my godson."

"No problem." Hermione answered. "We've heard a lot about you too sir."

"It's Sirius. Just Sirius. Now Draco what's this I'm hearing about you joining the blood traitors." Sirius spoke with a smile.

"Umm I'm a Gryffindor and I'm friends with Hermione so."

"Well don't you worry." Sirius insisted. "I'll do for you what my uncle did for me."

"What is that?"

"If you need anything at all cousin. All you have to do is write." Sirius nodded meaningfully then turned to Harry. "Now that's settled what do you mean pup?"

"The minister should be coming into Hogsmead next weekend. Looking for you…. I've spread a couple of rumoured sightings."


"It's necessary Sirius."

"Yeah I know."

"If Remus goes down when the teachers are talking about it; Walking his dog…" Harry suggested. "Then when they say you were the secret keeper…."

Harry asked his friends under the cloak. "Everyone covered?" A universal yes. "Wonderful."

After a few moments Professors McGonagall, Flitwick and Hagrid sat down with the minister. They ordered their drinks.

"So Black was the Potters secret keeper?"


"Excuse my intrusion."

"Oh Remus. I'm sorry we should-"

"Professor McGonagall you've got your information mixed up." Remus explained to her.


"You are?" The minister asked.

"Professor Remus Lupin. I was friends with both James and Sirius. Minister, Sirius wasn't the secret keeper Peter Pettigrew was."

"Remus maybe stay of the drink my son." Flitwick suggested.

"I came in for Butterbeer, I haven't touched a drop yet. Look Peter was the secret keeper. It was Lily and Sirius's idea. Of course James and I agreed. Everyone would suspect it to be Sirius so he could lead you-know-who way from baby Harry. He tried to as well."

"But Remus he killed all those people- Peter. And the muggles."

"Look if anyone had bothered to listen to me I would have told you everything. Under Verserum if I had too. Sirius didn't do it. If he'd have a bloody trial or someone would have actually listened to a werewolf we wouldn't be in this situation."

"But I visited him in Azkaban. He was perfectly sane in there. Leading to the fact that he was probably insane in the first place."

"Sirius is not insane. He's an innocent man. I would bet my life on it."

"Then why did he break out." Flitwick asked.

"I don't know that; probably sick of being locked up in that place. I've tried to visit him…. Never been allowed."

"Regardless he broke out of Azkaban that's not the most innocent of moves."

"He is innocent and shouldn't have been in there in the first place."

"Are you sure Lupin?" Hagrid asked.

"If you knew him he was the last man to betray James. James gave him a home when his parents kicked him out. He called Mr and Mrs Potter Mom and Dad. He knew everything there was to know about James and vice vera. They grew up together. He was James's brother and Harrys godfather for Merlin sake!"

There was a silence.

The minister looked the man up and down. "What brought you here Mr Lupin?"

"Walking Snuffles. Getting cold now don't you think?"

"Where's - your dog?"

"Tethered outside."

"Minister, was it true that Sirius didn't get a trial?" McGonagall asked; surely Albus would have told her. In fact, she should have looked into that herself. Why didn't she?

"I wouldn't know. It was before my time."

"You should check that." Remus told him. "I could assure you that if you offer a trial- with verserum -he will arrive."

"How could you know that?"

"I know Sirius."

"Even after Seven years Remus." McGonagall asked him; she was quite attached to the four Maunders

"Yes Professor. People don't change that much."

Another long silence. "Mr Lupin has Sirius Black contacted you."

"Not as of yet Minister." Remus lied.

"Would you hide him if he did?"

"I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. Probably not whilst working in Hogwarts as the very, very least." Another Lie.

"I'll go look at Sirius Black's records."

"He didn't have a trial I assure you." The truth.

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