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Harry had forgotten how run down this cottage was. It had, after all, been through a small battle. Sirius and Remus clasped hands as they stood in the garden; Severus stood to the side battling his own demons.

It felt almost as if Harry was standing here for the first time.

The main block of the cottage was a quaint size, but had been extend by about the size of one room on the first and second floor. This extension had a large hole in the roof. Harry had to look away. The room underneath that hole was his nursery; the room his mother had died in.

Ivy covered most of the southern and western walls. There were no flowers in the garden anymore, and the grass and hedges had grown wild.

"I don't know if this is the best idea." Harry spoke softly. The statue of his parents looked on silently from behind him.

"No Harry, This is the best idea. Your parents would be honored to offer their home to you for this." Remus placed his hand onto the younger man's shoulder.

"Just let me have a look around first okay pup." Sirius had already extracted his promise from his godson.

"Of course. There's some things I'd like to see." They headed towards the door; preparing their minds for the memories. Draco was the only one of the five that had no history in this place but felt honored to be brought with them.

Harry walked in directly behind Sirius. The older man seeming to hone all his courage for this moment. The door opened with relative ease. The hinges on this door had been the only thing in the house to be mended since the attack.

There was a small surprise when they didn't walk into over a decade of dust. In fact there were very few things out of place. They walked directly into the kitchen and noted how spacious it was on the inside. Harry suspected an expansion charm may have been put in place after the muggle extension.

A sharp pop sent everyone on guard.

"Lord Potter you return." An old looking house elf bowed lowly in front of Harry. "We have awaited many years." Before anyone could react further three more pops sounded. "Lord Potter." Two middle aged elves; a male and female bowed to Harry. A tiny elf needed a bit of a nudge to bow.

"Elves?" Harry smiled at them lowering his wand. "Hello to you."

"Sabrey. You're still kicking then." Sirius nodded very surprised at the elderly elf.

"Yes Lord Black. I am not an old elf yet." Harry didn't know if it was just him but he heard a little defiance in the voice of this elf. Harry noticed that these elves were dressed very smartly; for elves at least. Were they free elves?

"Harry pup. These are the Potter family Elves. Sabrey, Ceesy, Talbec." Sirius introduced the three older elves. "I don't know who this is but I knew Ceesy was expecting."

"I'm Plip."

The other male elf moved to scold his child. "Plip do not address-"

"Hello Plip. I'm Harry Potter." Harry leaned down to the tiny elf.

"I know Lord Potter." The girl elf bowed to him with an elvish smile.

"Would you all give us a moment in the house?" Harry looked at the eager elves. They hadn't had a master or mistress for over a decade; stuck alone with only each other. Harry had no idea what that would do to the elves. "Then I have something I would like your help with, if you would?"

"Of course, Lord Potter. We have kept the properties clean for your return." Sabrey spoke again.

"Thank you, Sabrey. We will not be long."

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