Part 4

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You look deep into her eyes and smile slightly but then tears start to form into your eyes.

'What's wrong? Did I go to far?' She asks concerned. She comes sit next to you so you can lean your head onto her shoulder.

'It is just, my family banned me to, I know how it feels be not welcome somewhere, being shut out, not loved...' you say crying and a crack in your voice, you don't even know if she heard all what you said because you could barely hear yourself because of the crying.

Narcissa rubs your back up and down.

'Oh luv...' she says and you feel her breath on your head as she kisses your head softly.

'Why did they do that if I may ask?' She asks politely and she lays her head on yours.

'I came out as Bisexual, they didn't like that so they just sent me away like I was just a bag of trash, I stay now with my friend, Ron Weasley, their family is really nice.' You say a bit smiling but still crying.


'And I know this is wrong but I felt something in me when we kissed, and I don't know what it is, I never felt this feeling.' You say when you lift up your head now facing her.

'I know what you mean y/n, I know what you felt-'

You hear someone walking towards the door and without even a warning Narcissa says:' Not now Lucius!' While still looking at you, your confused.

'I need to speak with you Narcissa, now!' You hear Lucius say.

'I will be right back.' She says to you and gives you a kiss on your forehead. She walks away and closes the door behind her, you can't hear what she is saying so you just explore the room.

The room is dark and light green, and even the sealing is green. There is a big king sized bed with green and white pillows. When you walk to a door you open it and it reveals a big bathroom and of course there are green and white towels. The bath is very big and you could fit with two people in it, the shower is also very big and has a massive showerhead, on the side there is a cabinet with bottles shampoo, conditioner and masks.

You hear the door open again and you get out of the bathroom but it isn't Narcissa.

'Bellatrix, what are you doing here?' You ask

She looks you up and down and then smirks

'I was just looking if your body is okey after what I did yesterday.' She says smirking and biting her bottom lip.

'Very funny Bella, my body is fine, now get out.' You say annoyed.

The smirk on her face disappears and she raises one eyebrow, she looks angry. Before you know it you are pinned against the wall with your hands up, your trapped.

'Just because your one of us now it doesn't mean you have to disrespect me!' She says only a few inches from your face, you feel her breath.

'Bellatrix, I don't disrespect you, you just can't handle my temper.' You say with no regrets at all.

She looks angry but also hurt, she didn't expect that, that's for sure.

You got out of her grip and say:' So..?' You ask her when she looks at you in a confused way.

'Fine...' she says and walks towards the door.

'Bye Bella!' You say sarcastic and she slaps the door shut.

Not even seconds later the door opens again and this time it is Narcissa.

'Woah, what did you do?' She says as she closes the door.

'What do you mean?' You say with a smirk of victory.

'Well, moments ago you where crying, I am not even 5 minutes away and I see Bella in a very bad mood.' She says laughing.

You laugh with her and tell her what happend.

' did you know it was Lucius on the door?' You ask when you two sit on the bed end.

'I just know, I had my feelings, and I was right.' She says smiling.

'Cissy?' You ask slowly.


'When you said you knew what I felt, what did you mean by that, you don't think I-' you stop, you don't want to say it.

'I don't know what you felt y/n, what I do know is that you felt the same I did, well, i think.' She says laughing.' But you can't tell anyone, not Draco, not Bella, not Lucius, especially not Lucius and not your friends.' She says wisely but strict.

'Oh yes, I was totally going to do that, I planned to tell everyone I kissed 'THE' Draco Malfoy his mother and that I got this weird feeling in me, like I had feelings for her, yeah no...' you say laughing but quickly realize what you said at the end of your sentence.

You blush but stare at her eyes, her blue eyes.

'Now I know for sure that you felt that way y/n, and it's okey, if I am being honest...I felt the same.'

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