Chapter 31

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Inherited Techniques are the techniques a bloodline shares from generations to generations, the strength or power of the jujutsu and all their forms will depend by mere luck since that doesn't mean all of their members will have it.

Specially if one of the members marries a person with another type of jujutsu.

That would change everything for the next newborns, hence why some clans are strict about marriages.

It's just a Jujutsu, why is it so important?

You can consider jujutsus as if having several family members with an uncommon eye color, some newborns might have the same color in their irises while some of them would have a small change on it, let's say having hazel eyes instead of the blue eyes your family has.

Jujutsus are the same, there's no exact rule to know which relative will have the technique completely or fully developed.

That is enough for clans who value their jujutsu more that their family to despise their own relatives and even send them to their exile because ethey are either "incomplete" or with another jujutsu that might ruin their "royal blood".

What they don't tell you is that when you carry that jujutsu and that last name, you also carry their past, their flaws, their mistakes.

It wasn't different for Y/N.

The girl had carried the careless actions of her family, it's a little sad if you think about the amount of sorcerers who would prejudge her by her last name.

Maybe that's why Maki had a melancholic aura whenever she saw her kouhai walking alone on the halls

Y/N seemed happy at Jujutsu High, she was safe and surrounded by friends? Sure, but still-

Sometimes you can't help but feel kilometers away despite having your beloved ones a few inches from you.

She understood that feeling of being forced to run away, the detachment of everything once she thought was right until the blindfold fell from her face, how sorcerers protect the humans yet would turn their back to their own blood if they didn't reach the standards.

What a bunch of heartless pieces of-


After a conversation with Maki, the student learned about her senpai's life; the green haired didn't get so much into detail yet the information was as clear as possible and how determined she was on proving the elders they were wrong on looking down at her.

It's true, Maki didn't like to be called by her last name, not because she hated it; but because she wanted to be remembered for being herself and not another brat from that clan. It's awkward you know? Being called by your last name and feeling like you're seen as the toxic uncle or the annoying cousin from your family as if you're not yourself anymore but them.

Maki was a Zen'in, but she wanted to be known as Maki, the girl that cannot see curses yet can beat the heck out of them and anyone that gets in her way.

She wanted to prove that to her clan.

Of course, she had all the disadvantages on her side, being born under the Zen'in clan, having no Jujutsu and being a woman.

Maki didn't stop there, because she know she could do it and she wanted to show that to them, she wanted to shut their mouths.

Does that annoys the closeminded old hags? Screw them.

If I stop doing what I love, it's as if I was cheating myself, lying and laughing on my face.

I cannot allow that.

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 - 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨Where stories live. Discover now