Chapter 44

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A/N:  ┻┻︵¯\(ツ)/¯︵┻┻  let's go


Northern side of Shibuya

The more he walked, the less he knew.

People were wandering around, kids in costumes with adults in hands, the music of a crowded city like this was as neon lights worked on shinning the concrete paths.

It looked so bright and comforting and that disturbed Fushiguro to the core.

The message we received was strange.

Information about a big curtain being cast over a whole city including the train station, trapping citizens, animals. For it to be that size it was extremely dangerous, specially because we didn't know who did it and why.

I can't help but think how non-sorcerers might be wondering at that specific time, no one knew anything, if you ever decided to talk to another one regarding the situation they would just shrug as an answer.

Maybe they had a party, maybe they were just going home.

Their routine was now interrupted by a pitch black barrier that no matter how strong and hard they hit it, it wouldn't break.

As sorcerers, we only cast curtains to exorcise curses but we always made sure that there's no one endangered inside of it.

"Any news on why we can't get in?" asked the girl from Tokyo.

It's been thirty minutes, an amount of valuable time since they arrived to the place.

"We have the same information since we arrived, Kugisaki" answering with a stoic expression.

The non-stopping sound of Fushiguro's foot against the pavement, increasing in unison with his uneasiness but forcing himself to remain calm as a resort to not alarm the rest of the crew.

Where is the person who cast this curtain?!

"I can't hear anything from the inside" announced Panda whom placed one of his fluffy ears as an attempt to recollect information from the other side "I'd say the curtain is pretty strong for it to be hard to listen".

"Isn't that normal, though? Curtains are supposed to do that so humans can't detect what is happening" Kugisaki asked.

"Panda has a greater sense of smell and listening to the point to listen sounds from the other side of a curtain, but they'd be just whispers even if they're extremely loud" Fushiguro informed to his classmate.

The redhead girl looked at the curtain again but now angrier, knowing that there were people on the inside probably screaming and still being unable to be heard with Panda there with them.

"So, what are we going to do then? Stay here like stick figures until Panda eavesdrops a random conversation?".

The cursed doll shrugged and start walking, Fushiguro and Kugisaki behind them.

"For a curtain to be this strong, it means that the way to release it, it's weaker" Panda suggested still walking forward.

It's like a human rule that when you have the advantage of something, you don't mind hiding it. The narcissism people have to be the center of attention and looking for praise when they are extremely sure on winning before the battle even starts it's something no one can't control.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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