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The packhouse was just as He remembered. A big grey stone building with a couple of windows. It was nothing special. But this pack was not as big as others anyway. Just around thirty families maybe. A bunch of houses and dirt roads around it. It was like a small little town in the middle of the woods.
Alec knew that some packs all live in the same house. Or really big packs have more packhouses. But the packhouse here was just for guests and the current Alfa, beta and delta to live in.

And it was sort of a business and community centrum all in one.
It was just as boring and colorless as he remember. At least they couldn't ruin a forest!

'Your mom is inside.' Sam didn't have to say that twice. As soon as the car stopped Alec bolted out and ran for the packhouse. A short lady with brown curls and a big green flannel jacket stood with her arms crossed.
She smiled as she saw her son.
'You look great!' He did. He looked so much better. Not as sad. Not as thin. Not like the world was on his shoulders crushing him beneath.

Alec hugged her without a second doubt, surprising the woman. Because she knew Alec was never really a hugger. He never wanted to be touched. But now he hugged her tight. Wrapping his slightly muscular arms around tight around her.
He even kissed her cheek and smiled.

'I missed you so much. There is so much I wanna tell you and I wanna know everything that happened when I was gone!'
His mother smiled and gripped him to hug him again.
'After I leave again you should come and meet everybody.' He told her without thinking.

His mother let him go.
'I... I thought you would be staying.' She looked at Sam and Jacob that came into the building like they would give her an answer. But they didn't so she turned back to her son.
Alec frowned.

'Why would you think that. I'm just visiting cause Sil made a deal with ...' he waved at his mate standing behind him. Not wanting to give him any more attention than he already got.
'But he is your mate.' He mother said hopefully. She really wanted her son back with her.

His wolf rolled around in his mind.
He wanted to hunt. He had sat still for hours. He was beginning to get restless. He wanted food!
Alec decided that people... even his mother seemed to have weird thoughts consurning mates. They all seemed to believe that just because you were meant to be to together that you always wanted to be together.

Sure there were mates who were good together.



But he wasn't just going to forgive his bully and become his.... lover.
His wolf mentally puked.
Alec rolled his eyes as an answer.
'Two weeks.' He said. Reminding everybody about the deal.
'I will convince you to stay.' Jacob sounded very sure about that and Alec choose to ignore him.

'Can I go hunt? I havent had breakfast yet.' He looked from his mother to Sam cause he had no interest in looking at jerkface.
'I will cook you something baby!' His mother said with a loving smile.
'You want pancakes? Or maybe those sandwiches you love so much.'
Alec blinked a couple of times. He remembered eating food.

But after the whole pain memory return thing his memories had slowly begin to get settled and they were his past!
Like an itch you couldn't reach but knew was there.
'Sounds great mom.... but I much rather get me some rabbit... or maby a deer.' He clasped his hands together and grinned.

'You hunt? You really have gone all wolf out there haven't you?' Sam asked amused. Jacob frowned and had his arms crossed as if he disapproved.
'Yeah! You wanne come with? Hunting is fun in groups.'
Sam shook is head.
'I like my meat baked and grilled thank you very much.'
'You don't know what you missing dude.' Alec told him. He then gripped the hem of his sweater and took it of in a swift motion.

His mother and Jacob were now looking at him like he was crazy.
'What?' He asked them.
'Are... are you stripping?' Sam was grinning so hard, he was about to lose him self.
Alec frowned.

'Well duh.' He tossed his sweater away and slipped out of the pants.
He took a deep breath. Relieved to get rit of the ichy and annoying clothes that smelled to minty.
Sam almost fell on the floor laughing. Alec tuned into his wolf and shook out his fur.
He was a deep gray with his own blue eyes.
'Baby your not serious?' He mother asked.
Oh but he was. He bolted to the forest without hesitation and sniffed deeply trying to catch a sent.

He had an audience.
The border patrol had stopped to watch him hunt, kill and than eat his prey.
Alec was more wolf than Alec and he only growled once when one came to close. This was his. He ripped it apart and ate the warm bloody flesh until he was stuffed.

Then licked most of the blood from his paws and stretches.
He looked at the border patrol wolves who hadn't moved. Bunch of weirdos. This was good.
Alec barked and strolled back to the packhouse.
He usually ate once a day. A good hunt was enough. Unless they only got some rabbits that day. Or if the nymphs made pie again.

It was nice to see actual fear in his mates face when he passed him and grinned his bloody theet at him.
Before he could shift back Jacob stopped him, not wanting him to be naked in front of anyone. Which was weird cause everyone had seem him naked. It was just a body.
Besides humans all looked the same anyways!

But he didn't mind staying wolf a little longer.
He showed him to a room on the first floor of the packhouse.
Then said sorry.
Then left.

Fucking bastard.

Alec sniffed around. Missing Kit who usually would be rolling all over him by now. Drowning him in his musky scent. And missing James warning growls when he pretended to be bothered by them.
He whined softly. Wanting to howl so hard that his pack could hear him.
The mindlink was quit. They where to far away to talk to each other.

He could still send a flicker of love thru the bond and he did.
Getting a sad responds in return.
Like a soft little whine.

Only two weeks.
He could deal with these people for two weeks.
He had dealt with them for eighteen years. And he was so much stronger now.

The basterds didn't now what they were dealing with!

He wasn't gonna change himself either.
Or forgive them.
Alec jumped on the bed. It was to soft and fluffy to be comfortable.
But he rolled up anyway and closed his eyes.

Dreaming about a hunt with his pack.
The shadow of a dragon roaming the skies.
Songs of dryads and nymphs all around the thick heavy forest.
A warlock with purple polka dot shorts and biker boots.


Yellow! If anybody reads this please vote or respond! It would mean so much to me! I know this chapter is a little boring but good things will come! What are your feelings about Sam en Jacob right now? And how do you feel about Alecs foodhabits? :)

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