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No one had said that going to school meant getting in a car with two people he resented.
His wolf was throwing a fit about it.

'Come on Alec?' Sam tried again from the backseat. The voice of reason.
He had slammed his elbow in Finn side hard enough to shut him up, after a couple nasty comments. Jacob sat silent with his hands on the steeringweel gripping it hard enough to break it. Knuckles all but white.
'Cant we walk? It's not even far.'
'Alec.' Jacob sighed and looked at him.
'Just...' he sighed again.
Alec huffed.

He didn't want to sit in a car with them. He didn't like cars. He didn't like their potent smells stuffed in a tin can that drove. They radiated power. He hated that.
Alec got in and slammed to door as hard as he could.
'I would rather die in an accident.' He told him nicely.

Jacob growled and let it go, to start the car and make his way to school.
Not in the mood to fight his new found mate every single step of the way.
Alec leaned back and stared outside.
He hadn't been to school in two whole years. Wonderful years though!

He had hated every second of high school. He had sucked at everything. Had no friends. And was bullied every fucking single day. He didn't even finish it! College was gonna be just the same.

They parked the car and Alec looked at the brown dull building that made him feel even worse. Why on earth would Sil want him to go here. He hated this place.
High school was one kilometer down the road. The buildings looked almost the exact same.

'..I regret everything I did to you.' Alec looked at Jacob. Suprised to see that the boy wasn't looking at him but at his hands. The other boys had already left the car. He hadn't even noticed.

'You just do, because I happen to be your mate.' Alec said.
Which Made him wonder....
'Why... why didn't you reject me?' He had been wondering this for a while.
It would have been a lot easier that way, why go to all this trouble just to get back your former punching back. He hated this pack. So he would be a sucky Luna. Why not just get together with some chick that did want him. Did he not have hundreds of girls who just waited to jump him.

Jacob slowly looked up.
'I would never reject you.' He said with surprisingly ... a lot of emotion.
Alec ignored that.
'Why?' He ask coldly.
'Your my mate.' Alec rolled his eyes.
Then slammed his head back against the seat.
'That's not an answer.'

'What do you want me to say. That I am an stupid idiot who scared his mate away. That I have ran around looking for you fearing you were dead or worse. Knowing that I may never be able to tell you how stupid I was.' Jacob blurted out.
Alec sighed.
But he somehow felt even worse because of this.
And he hated that.
He wanted Jacob to feel even worse.
This wasn't enough.
Not for what he did.

'I tried to kill myself.'
Jacob looked up.
Alec looked back.
'I failed though.... I just couldn't take it anymore. I didn't want to get up everyday knowing that...' he lost his words.
Everyday he wished the day was over the moment it began.
He stomach hurt when he walked to school. He cried even though he knew that made things worse.

And nobody could help him. Nobody did anything.
He just wanted the pain to stop.
To finally be free on it all.
He just wanted it all the end.

Looking back now he was glad he failed!
Cause If he hadn't then he would have never met Kit. And James.
And fraya and Sera.
And Sil ofcourse...

He would never felt so loved. He would have never been so happy. So free. He could have never known how good life would turn if you just became yourself.
Thinking back still hurted a little. That wasn't gonna change anytime soon....

Looking at Jacob still made him feel like shit.

But... looking in the mirror didn't.

He used to hate the sight of his face.
But now he didn't.
He liked it.
He liked him.
He really did.

He was lucky to have a complete start over. But even now with the memories back he was even more sure. He liked the person he had become. He liked his hair shaved at the sides. He had become stronger in more ways than one.

He sometimes was a little sassy. He liked to mess around with friend, knowing that they love him and everything was just joking around. He wasn't a freaking supermodel but who is!? He didn't care about that. He was fine just the way he was. Everybody was!

The only person that had to like you was you!

'I like me now. I don't want you people to ruin that.' He declared and he glared an evil look to the side.

Startled to see that Jacob was crying.
Why the living fuck would the guy go crying!
Did he have to comfort him now?!
He hoped not!
He would not.!
He squirmed on his seat and glanced at the door. He should just make a run for it.

'I...I ... I am so...'
'Can you not.' Alec said.
'Can we just not. You already said your sorry. And now this... I.... I don't want to talk about it. Not right now. I don't even know you.' Alec sighed. He didn't even know what he wanted to say. He knew he sounded like a Dick. And he did care about that. He didn't like being so mean to people. Even to very sucky stupid people.

'If you are so sorry than prove you have changed. I will not forgive you. But I could maybe learn to live with the fact that ... I do not hate your guts... al the time...' he looked away.
Opened the door and got out.
Jacob followed. He wiped away his tears and stood radiating powerful Alfa pheromones all around him.
Alec almost gagged.
'I will.' He declared.
What a stupid puts.

'Your gonna walk me to my first class.' Alec ordered him.
He was not in the mood to look for anything right now.
He didn't give the Alfa time to respond and strode towards the entrance of the pits of doom.

Yellow is anybody out thereeee 😘 if anybody is reading this please vote and respond. I don't even care if you just say cheese or something you would just make my day anyway.... that rimes. 😂😁😆😏 thanks for reading!

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