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Nobody had been prepared for the battle that followed.

Getting Kit into clothes was almost a full on war.
After twenty minutes of screaming and biting he had bolted out of James his hands and ran right thru the top wolfs of the Ash creek pack that were waiting in the sitting area for them to get ready for school.

Kit jumped over the couch with incredible speed, startling all of them. Only wearing a oversized bright yellow shirt. Alec followed right after. Jumping the couch with remarkable skill and blocking the exit. Kit growled at him.
Alec growled back making the smaller boy wimper and falling to his knees in submission.

James then walked in slowly with a grey jogger and sneakers in his hands.
He had taken the clothes after Alec told him to put them on without protest. He wore a blue ripped jeans. A black tight shirt and a leather jacket. And big biker boots.
Alec had a light grey sweater and the same jeans as yesterday.
Making his hair stand out even more.
"You look so handsome!" Jacob said without thinking, making everyone look at him. Some snickering. Kit frowning and James sending a dead glare.

Alec took the distracting to grap Kit while James forced him into the clothes. It went with screams and kicks.
Alec then fell on the couch out of breath.
"I swear if you try and take them shoes off... I will hunt and eat you tonight!"
Kit whimpered and bared his neck at the boy. Showing his submission to his leader. Surprising most of the wolfs. Alec just nodded.

The next battle was getting him into a car.

James had to catch him into his arms and hold him captive on his lap while he screamed bloody murder.

Sam was gonna die from laughing one of these days!

He didn't stop when Alec told him that either.
Kit and James followed him like good wolfs in the school.
James seemed to look at someone to beat up and Kit only had eyes for Alec. Like he was the sun and he couldn't look away.

"You really are their Alpha." Sam told him.
"Then I think James is a beta." He sighed not in the mood to tell him otherwise.
"And the kid?" Jacob asked him. He didn't really seem to get that the boy was named Kit.
"He is one of the fastest of the pack. We use him in the hunt." James barked at him. Although everything that James said felt like barking.
School was gonna be so much more fun today. Cause he wasn't alone and James and Kit had every class with him.

He found Ishara at an empty table in the cafeteria because it was raining today.
He was relieved to see no wolfs so he and his pack walked to her.
She looked utterly terrified at the sight of James. Who did not help by glaring at everything
"Hey!" Alec said with a big smile.
"These are my friends! Do you mind if they sit with us?"
"N-no." Ishara her heart was so loud they could all hear. Just like they could smell the sour stench of fear in the air.

But Kit was pretty good with people. He sat right next to her telling her she was so beautiful.
"I love those." He pointed at her glassed. Almost poking her eyes out.
"Oh...uh thanks!"
"This is Kit he is like a little brother to me." Alec told her.
"and James... well he is like an older brother I think." Alec didn't know how else to introduce them to his new found friend.

.I'm ishara." She told them.
"That is a great name! Kinda like a nymph don't you think Alec."
He nodded. Ishara blushed.
"Your hair is pretty. Can I braid your hair again?" Her braid was frizzling and a couple of locks had escaped. Kit didn't wait for an answered but began to unravel her hair. She looked with wide eyes to Alec.
"If you don't want to tell him. He don't get boundaries." James said while nipping on a bottle of water he had made Alec buy him.

"Its alright." She muttered shyly at the boys she never met before.
Kit usually liked to hang around the nymphs and dryads. So he was good at braiding. He made a perfect complex looking one that ishara seemed to love.
"She's so cute. Can we keep her?"
"You can't keep humans. They're not pets." James told him.

"You can be her friend. You have to ask though." Alec tried to save before they blurted out a centries old secret to their new human friend.
"Can we be friends?" Kit ask practacly shoving his face into hers.
"Sure." She told him slowly getting used to the fact that he was a little weirder than Alec but just as nice. Kit grinned wide.
"I brought your jacket. It's in my locker!" She told him. Alec had almost forgotten about all together.

Than they chatted about class a bit.
They where in the middle of talking about some cafe that had just opened close by when a couple of people came and sat at the empty seats on they're table.
Alec didn't look up to acknowledge jacob.

Jacob and Sam were the only werewolfs to come sit with them. Sam started talking with Kit like they already knew each other.
Then some of the popular humans came and sat with them as well.
Ishara looked at Alec a little startled. He just shrugged. The humans seemed to have no clue why the most populair boy of the school decided to sit with a couple of weird kids they never saw before.
One of the girls was the one that had tossed a milkshake at ishara the day they met, which made Alec glare at her.

"Hey Jacob? What are your plans tonight?" Some girl asked him.
He smirked at her.
"I am going on a date." The whole table shut up as if this was the most shocking thing they ever heard.
"W-with who?" The girl stuttered looking pale. She probably wanted to ask him out. So then this was one of those awkward situations he assumed. Humans were funny, you never really got them.

"Alec." Jacob said without any shame.
Alec looked up and stared at him.
"You say what know?!" He blurted out.
"We are going on a date. Remember? I asked you. You said yes." He smirked at him with something roaming in his eyes that Alec ignored.
Alec didn't remember any of that and shook his head.
"You said that. I was there." Kit was no help at all. Alec glared at him and he let out a small wimper.
"You.... are You... are You gay Jacob?" One of the other girls asked him.
She looked a little confused.

Jacob probably dated a lot of girls. Alec remember him having a new girlfriend every other week. So him saying he was gonna go on a date with a guy would probably shake up the entire school. That would be funny to see though.
"Nah.." Jacob said while munching on his lunch.
"But I am in love with Alec and want to date him." People gasped.

Alec shook his head despair.
He did say yes... he regretted it though...
"He can't." James said loud enough to gain the entire tables attention.
Jacob frowned a little angry at him.

'He is going out with me.' He declared.
Some girl spitted out her drink.
Sam pressed his hand against his mounts to prevent from laughing to hard.
"Excuse me." Jacob growled.
Alec wanted to disappear.

"Yes. Me, Alec....kit and Ishara are going to get ice cream tonight. So he will not go with you." James told him bluntly.
Jacob looked a little relieved and the tension in the air lifted a little.
He looked at Alec.
He just shrugged.

If anyone else would have said such thing as Jacob had, in a school cafeteria then that persons social life would have looked a lot different.
If it where Alec two years ago he would have been beat up by every person who had fist. But because it was Jacob Allister ... the captain of the basketbal team -like being an Alfa wasn't enough - it was not a big deal.

Thought his friends tried to hook him up with every single girl in the school after that. And every single time that happed he loudly said he was after the new boy Alec...
Alec couldn't wait until the weekend!
He had been so happy when kit and James showed up.
Thought it would make things easier...
But perhaps he would need a little more than that....

Yellow I am writing chapters in advance and i just did a thing.
I was always as writer to attached to my sweet characters to let them die... well.... ha... heh..... you just wait until chapter 21🤫 hope you liked this one! Please vote or comment and make my day! Bye darlings!

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