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Alecs mother Sofia Darren loved having people over just as much as her own parents did. They where not happy until they stuffed they're guest with at least one or two good meals and three types of homemade snacks.

She had only heard about Alecs pack thru the letters he wrote her. And she knew by those letters that he didn't remember anything but her and his dear father. Nothing of his old pack. Or the really bad days he had. About the bullying or that Allister boy.

Not even his grandparents who had been a big part of his life growing up. Especially after his father died. Cillian (keel-ie-an) Lynch-Darren. An border wolf born and raised in an Irish pack. After he had found his mate and the love of his life, he took her last name because he never had the kind of bond with his parents that his mate had. And this was his way to honor it.
Sarah and Isiah had loved that boy like he was they're own Son.

Alec was now sitting on the couch next to the curled up wolf form of a boy named Kit, looking at a picture book from when he was little. Smiling at pictures of the people he missed so much. James was placed next to the couch and kept a watchful eye on every thing around him. Alecs mom really like hearing her Son talk so lovingly about his wolf pack. He had changed so much. It was like he finally fit right into his own skin. Something he never had before...

Alec had never slept beter than he had those days after his brothers had come. Curled up around his brothers in a hand made nest in the corner of his room. Kit had used his time to carefully  "borrow" a variety of pillows and blankets and soft fluffy sweaters from different pack members over these past couple of days.

James had apparently hunted alone last night ...the way he always hunts. Like a crazy dangerous madman...wolf..
Needless to say there had been a couple of... complaints.

Alec thought that the strange phone call Jacob had was probably about this.
But he would hear about it in the morning.
You know... after he had breakfast with his brothers at his mothers house.

Kit was the first to wake up like usual. He then started to wake them up.
Alec didn't like being awoken in the morning but James absolutely hated it!
So it was probably best if they stayed apart for a while. With himself as a buffer in between them.
His mother had made him breakfast. Finally a normal human breakfast he did not hate. Slices of toast with his grandmothers homemade butter.
It was simple but nice.

Kit kinda liked everything that was eatable, so he wasn't hard to pleas. James mostly went along with the rest and would never really tell wether he did or didn't like something. Only about important things. But after living mostly as a real wolf for the past two years Alec had changed a lot. And thinks like bacon and eggs or pancakes... he just didn't like them anymore.

He did like the simplicity of the crunchy toast and the soft and creamy butter.
And of course he would never ever not like the peach cobbler that the people in his family made with pride.
His grandmother had first thought her son in law to bake it but he had also told his mate how to make it. But his father was the one that really had loved to bake. And his mother's pie would never really match up to the one his father used to make...

'Jacob really seems a lot different ...' Alec started. He wanted to know what his mother thought about it. they hadn't had a real conversation about... wel everything since he got back.
'I suppose he has changed a lot the past years.' His mother nodded and tried to feed the dark brown wolf on the ground some more vanilla cookies.
'Do you think... do you think I should... you know.' Alec didn't like having conversations about stuff like this. He didn't even want to think about it. But he didn't know how to decide about this. He wanted what was best for his wolf and his pack. Did they need him? Did his old pack need him?
'I don't know sweets. That's something you wil have to decide yourself.'
'I thought you would say that.' Alec muttered. His mother laughed.

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