Chapter 18

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I was used to getting up early in the morning and I also had no problem getting to work immediately. I simply opened my eyes, got out of bed, took a quick shower, hot coffee, and immediately considered in my mind my daily routine or options for improving or perfecting one building after another that we were working on.

I owned a luxurious penthouse apartment in the city center with a large terrace where I could have my breakfast in the morning or have a good breakfast, but the truth was that I always left my apartment within an hour of waking up and hurried to the office, where I spent more time than in my apartment.

But in the last days, as well as today, I didn't want to get out of bed at all. I knew I should get up and go to the office and start working, which I had more than enough lately, but I couldn't To force it. Mainly also because a hot, naked body pressed against me.

I felt more relaxed than ever before in my life and also strangely satisfied. I wanted to enjoy this room, which surrounded me, to the last drop. I turned on my side, leaned on my elbow, and watched Mia sleep with a smile.

She lay completely naked next to me, covered only by a blanket over her waist. Her hair was tousled and scattered around her face and on a pillow. She looked extremely attractive and aroused my passion again.

I brushed the hair from her face and pressed my lips to her bare shoulder, running my thumbs gently down the curve of her spine to her perfect ass. Then I ran my palm along the line of her shaft and proceeded lower over her side and thigh to the knee. I grabbed her leg, lifted her slightly, and pressed his between her legs. I pressed my stomach against Mini's back and pressed her between her thighs.

Mia blinked next to me and her body immediately responded to my closeness. Without changing her position, she made more space between my thighs. She greeted me sleepily with open arms, which made me smile. She also longed for me as I longed for her.

I laid my fingers on her shoulder first and later moved to her abdomen and breasts. I gently bit my earlobe with my lips and pushed into her. Slowly, so slowly, because it was a wonderful feeling to be in it.

"I like getting breakfast in bed," she sighed softly, circling her sides eagerly.

I laughed right next to her ear. I liked her style of humor, which she always managed to improve my day.

I slipped into her in a regular rhythm, and Mia moaned contentedly with each of my bumps. She held my thigh with one hand and urged me to speed up. I just smiled at her anticipation, but I had no plans to end our connection quickly because I wanted to enjoy it.

I accelerated and slowed down, but I didn't leave it empty for a moment. I played with her and enjoyed her closeness, her scent and the pleasant touches of her hands on her body.

I already had practically regular sex with Mia. Sometimes twice or three times a day, which has not happened to me yet. Little did I know that my limb could stand up so many times in a few hours.

So far, I have seen sex as a necessary part of human life or something like a man's need to relax the body, but I have not seen anything special in it. Of course, I always managed to do it at a fast or slower pace, depending on my mood, but it wasn't until Mia that I really began to enjoy sex. I didn't want to satisfy myself as much as she did.

I liked the way she reacted to me. All I had to do was look at her, and her nipples were already watching, like two diamonds, or I was just licking my lips and she was pressing her thighs together to suppress her desire. And God forbid, when I touched her innocently, she was immediately blushed and goosebumps on her skin. She didn't pretend to reach two or three orgasms in a row, though she'd barely done it once, and she also didn't sigh violently, as did the gifted blonde in porn. She was simply relaxed, spontaneous, natural and self. What I liked and I was extremely excited about.

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