Chapter 10- Coming Clean

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It's a few days later and Harper has decided to tell Kelly what Dr.Manning said. She sits him down in his quarters and just lets it all out.
"Why didn't you tell me!?" Kelly says slightly annoyed
"I didn't want you to worry!" Harper says
"Harper you could die! And you didn't want to worry me?" Kelly shouts
"Kelly I'm 20 weeks today and I can't bear the thought of getting rid of it! Think about how happy we would be as a family of 5! Devin would be a big brother and Aria would be a big sister again!" Harper says smiling
"But what if we have to do all of that without you Harper!" Kelly says looking deep into her eyes
"Remember with Aria you flew off to Miami when she was born! You missed her first word and everything! Then with Devin we were in a car accident and you forgot who he was! I had to do that all alone! But with this baby your going to be there and hear it saying it's first word!" Harper says taking Kelly's hand in hers
"Look I know it's hard thinking about loosing me!" Harper says putting Kelly's hand on her bump
"Hard! I couldn't do it Harper! Take care of 3 kids on my own!" Kelly says
"You've got 51! And if it comes down to it I will fight every step of the way to make sure I come home to Aria and Devin!" Harper says enthusiastically
"Okay" Kelly says letting out a breath that he didn't know he was holding
"Your gonna need to tell Aria, she needs to know that there's a chance that her mum isn't going to come home" Kelly says squeezing Harper's hand lightly
"I know, ill tell her after shift" Harper says sadly
It's after shift and the part of the day that Harper has been dreading.
"Aria honey!" Harper shouts
"What!" Aria shouts back
"Come here for a sec please?" Harper shouts as aria runs out her room
Aria then sits on the couch next to Kelly and Harper stands in front of them
"Am I in trouble again?" Aria asks
"Not at all kiddo! Mum has something she wants to tell you" Kelly says looking at aria with a smile
"So you know how there's a baby in mummy's tummy? Well there's a chance that when the baby comes out that mum might not come home" Harper says looking at aria trying not to cry
"What do you mean mummy? Where are you going?" Aria asks
"Well there's this place called heaven! And we go up there and hang around with all of the angels!" Harper says trying not to cry
"Will you ever come back?" Aria asks
"No honey.But just know that I will always be with you even though you can't see me, and if you ever need to talk to me just look up to the sky and start speaking. I might not respond but just know that I'm listening!" Harper says with tears welling up in her eyes
"Okay, so it would just be me, Devin, Daddy and the new baby?" Aria says looking at Kelly
"Well it could be. But there is also a chance that mummy could come home! But if I don't your going to need to take care of daddy for me! And if he seems sad cheer him up please! And I don't want you to be sad okay?" Harper says with tears rolling down her face
"Okay! I promise! But I want you to come back mummy! I'll miss you too much! And what will I do on bring your mum to school day!" Aria says
"I'm sure Auntie Gabby would fill in for me or Auntie Donna Or Auntie Trudy. I'll miss you so much Aria!"Harper says smiling
"Okay!" Harper says getting up and going into her room
"Well done!" Kelly says giving Harper a hug
"Thanks but I'm dreading telling the firehouse tomorrow" Harper says rubbing her temples
*Authors note*
I'm not gonna lie I did cry when I was making this! Maybe it's just because I'm overly sensitive but anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter!

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