Chapter 23- Trouble in paradise!

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They managed to find a pulse but they have put Casey on a ventilator just to make sure. It's time for shift and Harper has noticed that Kelly has been a little on edge since the accident. They walk in and get changed. Harper heads to the common room as she is on breakfast duty again. She starts to make breakfast when Kelly walks in
"Ohh captain you look rough!" Cruz says as he laughs
"Yeah well maybe you should stop looking at me and go get that damn rig cleaned!" Kelly shouts
"Sorry captain" Cruz says as he walks away
"Squad looks fine Kelly!" Harper says
"Maybe you should get your men to clean 81 have you seen the state of it!" Kelly says as 81 get up
"Guys sit down the rig is fine!" Harper says As she takes Kelly's hand
"What the hell is up with you today?" Harper says as she pulls Kelly into a room
"Nothings up! All I'm saying is that you should maybe do a better job when it comes to 81" Kelly says angrily
"What are you implying? That I'm a bad captain?" Harper says
"No I" Kelly says but Harper stops him
"Dont Kelly! Your just gonna make it worse for yourself" Harper says before she walks out
"Breakfast is ready!" Harper shouts
She grabs herself some breakfast and sits down. Kelly comes and sits next to her
"I've lost my appetite" Harper says as she gets up and walks out
She is doing paperwork when
"Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Bus crash, 89th street" the intercom says
They all runs out and race to the scene
"Okay 81! I want you to get all the civilians off the bus that can walk! And squad will get the car that it collided with" Harper shouts
They all run in and Harper discovers a little boy who's leg is badly injured
"Hey there bud! What's you name?" Harper says getting down to his level
"Devin" Devin says
"That's my little boys name! I'm Harper!" Harper says with a warm smile on her face
"Are you a firefighter?" Devin asks
"I am!" Harper replies
"That's cool! I wanna be a firefighter! Well I wanna be a captain!" Devin says
"Do you know what company you would like to work on?" Harper asks
"Definitely truck!" Devin replies
"Well I'm a captain on truck 81! And you take care of all of the trucks in Chicago! It's really cool! Now let's get you out of here!" Harper says picking up Devin
She hands him over to Dawson and gets back to work. A while later there back at the firehouse. Kelly has been really hard on everyone including Harper. Harper has finally had enough.
"What's up your ass today Kelly?" Harper says
"Nothing!" Kelly replies
"Look we're all upset about Casey! That gives you no reason to make Cruz clean the truck 3 times in 1 shift!" Harper says
"The truck was dirty! And yours is too!" Kelly shouts
"Don't take this out on me Kelly! 81 is my truck okay? If you going to be like this then don't bother coming home tonight!" Harper says walking away
"Fine! You won't last a day without me!" Kelly shouts

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