Discontinued (A/N)

152 4 1

hey guys...

it's been awhile, huh?

well... first things first... i'm sorry

everything's fine, i just don't believe that i can carry on with this story. even with writing that last few chapters all those months ago, i could feel my interest slipping. i'm not as into bts as i once was, hell, even just k-pop in general. so without that passion, i can't really create something i'm proud of and can show everyone in the world who has access to this. in the end, this is here to finally give this fanfic an official status. 

i'm discontinuing this fanfic.

it was fun while it lasted, and i hope that the chapters i did give you, you all enjoyed it. once again, i'm sorry for not continuing the storyline, however the journey ends here. i may still be on writing on broken wings, and maybe you'll find me on ao3. i'm debating making an account on there since wattpad isn't really what it once was.

*sigh* that's all i had to say. bye now~

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